
Query : 2022A&A...666A.115P

2022A&A...666A.115P - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 666A, 115 (2022/10-1)

Measuring chemical abundances in AGN from infrared nebular lines: HII-CHI-MISTRY-IR for AGN.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Future and ongoing infrared and radio observatories such as JWST, METIS, and ALMA will increase the amount of rest-frame IR spectroscopic data for galaxies by several orders of magnitude. While studies of the chemical composition of the interstellar medium (ISM) based on optical observations have been widely spread over decades for star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and, more recently, for active galactic nuclei (AGN), similar studies need to be performed using IR data. In the case of AGN, this regime can be especially useful given that it is less affected by temperature and dust extinction, traces higher ionic species, and can also provide robust estimations of the chemical abundance ratio N/O.
Aims. We present a new tool based on a Bayesian-like methodology (HII-CHI-MISTRY-IR) to estimate chemical abundances from IR emission lines in AGN. We use a sample of 58 AGN with IR spectroscopic data retrieved from the literature, composed by 43 Seyferts, eight ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), four luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs), and three low-ionization nuclear emission line regions (LINERs), to probe the validity of our method. The estimations of the chemical abundances based on IR lines in our sample are later compared with the corresponding abundances derived from the optical emission lines in the same objects.
Methods. HII-CHI-MISTRY-IR takes advantage of photoionization models, characterized by the chemical abundance ratios O/H and N/O, and the ionization parameter U, to compare their predicted emission-line fluxes with a set of observed values. Instead of matching single emission lines, the code uses some specific emission-line ratios that are sensitive to the above free parameters.
Results. We report mainly solar and also subsolar abundances for O/H in the nuclear region for our sample of AGN, whereas N/O clusters are around solar values. We find a discrepancy between the chemical abundances derived from IR and optical emission lines, the latter being higher than the former. This discrepancy, also reported by previous studies of the composition of the ISM in AGN from IR observations, is independent of the gas density or the incident radiation field to the gas, and it is likely associated with dust obscuration and/or temperature stratification within the gas nebula.

Abstract Copyright: © B. Pérez-Díaz et al. 2022

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: abundances - galaxies: active - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: nuclei - infrared: ISM

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/666/A115): tablea1.dat tablea2.dat tablea3.dat tablea4.dat refs.dat>

Simbad objects: 60

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Number of rows : 60
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 Mrk 334 Sy1 00 03 09.6087980256 +21 57 36.971989884   15.30 14.62     ~ 203 1
2 IRAS F00183-7111 Sy2 00 20 34.7 -70 55 27     20.6     ~ 135 0
3 2MASX J00215355-7910077 Sy2 00 21 53.5554103848 -79 10 08.025602016   17.33 16.3 15.19   ~ 78 0
4 NGC 185 Sy2 00 38 57.9400026024 +48 20 15.035874648   9.10 9.2     ~ 804 1
5 NGC 262 Sy2 00 48 47.14147900 +31 57 25.0845702 14.04 13.90 13.06 8.53   ~ 743 3
6 M 74 G 01 36 41.7451236624 +15 47 01.107512304 10.52 10.00 9.46 9.16   ~ 1762 1
7 M 77 Sy2 02 42 40.7091669408 -00 00 47.859690204 9.70 9.61 8.87 10.1 9.9 ~ 4638 2
8 Mrk 1066 Sy2 02 59 58.5970307633 +36 49 13.808979663   14.89 13.96     ~ 354 1
9 3C 84 Sy2 03 19 48.1599902040 +41 30 42.108850836   13.10 12.48 11.09   ~ 4048 4
10 NGC 1365 Sy1 03 33 36.458 -36 08 26.37 10.48 10.08 9.63 8.79 9.7 ~ 1827 2
11 NGC 1386 Sy1 03 36 46.238 -35 59 57.39 12.42 12.16 11.23 10.76   ~ 524 1
12 LEDA 17155 Sy2 05 21 01.3994605776 -25 21 45.321827832   15.47 14.75     ~ 508 0
13 Mrk 3 Sy2 06 15 36.2812259376 +71 02 14.837219808 14.21 14.03 12.97     ~ 922 3
14 NGC 2146 SBG 06 18 37.710 +78 21 25.27 11.67 11.38 10.59     ~ 726 2
15 NAME IRAS F08572+3915 NW LIN 09 00 25.364 +39 03 54.23     16.66     ~ 422 1
16 MCG-01-24-012 Sy2 09 20 46.2617017368 -08 03 21.933760068   17.86 17.34     ~ 152 0
17 UGC 5101 Sy2 09 35 51.6045544584 +61 21 11.589382368   15.20 15.50     ~ 580 4
18 NGC 3198 EmG 10 19 54.990 +45 32 58.88 10.83 10.87 10.33     ~ 912 1
19 NGC 3227 Sy1 10 23 30.5765149296 +19 51 54.282206700   12.61 11.79     ~ 1722 1
20 LEDA 33083 LIN 10 59 18.128 +24 32 34.74   15.7       ~ 278 1
21 LEDA 125693 LIN 11 12 03.4 -02 54 23   17.45 17.40     ~ 102 1
22 NGC 3690 IG 11 28 31.0 +58 33 41   13.19 12.86     ~ 983 4
23 NAME NGC 3690 East AGN 11 28 33.07 +58 33 54.2   11.8       ~ 631 4
24 NGC 4051 Sy1 12 03 09.6101337312 +44 31 52.682601288   11.08 12.92 9.94   ~ 2176 1
25 NGC 4151 Sy1 12 10 32.5759813872 +39 24 21.063527532   12.18 11.48     ~ 3724 2
26 LEDA 39024 LIN 12 13 46.107 +02 48 41.50           ~ 359 1
27 NGC 4194 AGN 12 14 09.615 +54 31 35.93   13.79 13.30     ~ 452 2
28 NGC 4593 Sy1 12 39 39.4435107024 -05 20 39.034988448   13.95 13.15     ~ 1099 0
29 Mrk 231 Sy1 12 56 14.2341182928 +56 52 25.238373852   14.68 13.84     ~ 2003 3
30 NGC 4945 Sy2 13 05 27.279 -49 28 04.44   9.31 14.40 7.55   ~ 1495 2
31 NGC 5033 Sy2 13 13 27.535 +36 35 37.14   11.01 12.03 9.73   ~ 874 3
32 NAME Centaurus A Sy2 13 25 27.61521044 -43 01 08.8050291   8.18 6.84 6.66   ~ 4530 3
33 Mrk 273 Sy2 13 44 42.1781 +55 53 12.819   15.68 14.91     ~ 920 3
34 ESO 445-50 Sy1 13 49 19.2601801224 -30 18 34.213815504   13.81 13.66 12.18 12.35 ~ 812 1
35 3C 293.0 BLL 13 52 17.8719816576 +31 26 46.487381604   16.10 15.10     ~ 476 3
36 Mrk 463E Sy2 13 56 02.886 +18 22 18.84   15.01 14.22     ~ 152 1
37 NAME Circinus Galaxy Sy2 14 13 09.906 -65 20 20.47   10.89 9.84 10.6 10.0 ~ 1233 2
38 NGC 5506 Sy2 14 13 14.8761010056 -03 12 27.556909272   15.25 14.38     ~ 1101 1
39 NGC 5548 Sy1 14 17 59.5400291832 +25 08 12.603122268   14.35 13.73     ~ 2738 0
40 Mrk 1383 Sy1 14 29 06.5720038632 +01 17 06.155007252   15.21 14.87     ~ 464 0
41 Mrk 478 Sy1 14 42 07.4714418744 +35 26 22.938625500   14.91 14.58     ~ 536 0
42 NGC 5728 Sy2 14 42 23.8918506576 -17 15 11.240783784   14.34 13.40     ~ 601 1
43 ICRF J155658.8-791404 Sy2 15 56 58.86979525 -79 14 04.2817241   18.80 18.800 17.84   ~ 205 1
44 NGC 6240 Sy2 16 52 58.9 +02 24 03   14.31 13.37     ~ 1650 2
45 LEDA 60189 LIN 17 23 21.943 -00 17 00.96   15.1       ~ 428 0
46 7C 1821+6419 Sy1 18 21 57.2130271440 +64 20 36.221312076   14.23 14.24     ~ 604 1
47 FRL 49 Sy2 18 36 58.2335883144 -59 24 08.282326320   11.1   14.19   ~ 252 1
48 NAME Super Antennae Sy2 19 31 21.4272801984 -72 39 21.442847832   17.39 16.37 14.65   ~ 305 3
49 NAME Cyg A Sy2 19 59 28.35656837 +40 44 02.0972325   16.22 15.10     ~ 2392 2
50 Mrk 509 Sy1 20 44 09.7504483224 -10 43 24.727155528   13.35 13.12 10.7   ~ 1290 0
51 ESO 286-19 LIN 20 58 26.8183783008 -42 38 59.411838156   14.79 14.79 14.20   ~ 296 0
52 NGC 7130 Sy2 21 48 19.5412287192 -34 57 04.492024884   12.86 13.87 11.57   ~ 455 1
53 NGC 7172 Sy2 22 02 01.897 -31 52 11.60   12.72 13.61 11.15 25.10 ~ 538 2
54 NGC 7314 Sy2 22 35 46.1985355872 -26 03 01.564993476   11.62 13.11 10.61 11.4 ~ 571 0
55 NGC 7469 Sy1 23 03 15.6 +08 52 26 12.60 13.00 12.34     ~ 2118 3
56 LEDA 70560 Sy2 23 08 33.9537309816 +05 21 29.751752412           ~ 153 0
57 ESO 148-2 Sy2 23 15 46.772 -59 03 15.94   14.94 14.73 13.95   ~ 271 1
58 NGC 7582 Sy2 23 18 23.60 -42 22 13.3 11.62 10.92 10.62     ~ 916 3
59 LEDA 71390 Sy1 23 25 19.201 -12 07 27.04   15.45 15.46     ~ 181 2
60 NGC 7674 Sy2 23 27 56.6973043968 +08 46 44.253707772 13.84 13.92 13.23 12.64   ~ 706 4

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