
Query : 2022A&A...666A.153D

2022A&A...666A.153D - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 666A, 153 (2022/10-1)

Influence of grain growth on CO2 ice spectroscopic profiles Modelling for dense cores and disks.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Interstellar dust grain growth in dense clouds and protoplanetary disks, even when moderate, affects the observed interstellar ice profiles as soon as a significant fraction of dust grains are in the size range close to the wave vector at the considered wavelength. The continuum baseline correction made prior to analysing ice profiles influences the subsequent analysis and hence the estimated ice composition, which are typically obtained by band fitting using thin film ice mixture spectra.
Aims. We explore the effect of grain growth on the spectroscopic profiles of ice mantle constituents, focusing particularly on carbon dioxide, with the aim of understanding how it can affect interstellar ice mantle spectral analysis and interpretation.
Methods. Using the discrete dipole approximation for scattering and absorption of light, the mass absorption coefficients of several distributions of grains - composed of ellipsoidal silicate cores with water and carbon dioxide ice mantles - are calculated. A few models also include amorphous carbon in the core and pure carbon monoxide in the ice mantle. We explore the evolution of the size distribution starting in the dense core phase in order to simulate the first steps of grain growth up to three microns in size. The resulting mass absorption coefficients are injected into RADMC-3D radiative transfer models of spherical dense core and protoplanetary disk templates to retrieve the observable spectral energy distributions. Calculations are performed using the full scattering capabilities of the radiative transfer code. We then focus on the particularly relevant calculated profile of the carbon dioxide ice band at 4.27 µm.
Results. The carbon dioxide anti-symmetric stretching mode profile is a meaningful indicator of grain growth. The observed profiles towards dense cores obtained with the Infrared Space Observatory and Akari satellites already show profiles possibly indicative of moderate grain growth.
Conclusions. The observation of true protoplanetary disks at high inclination with the James Webb Space Telescope should present distorted profiles that will allow constraints to be placed on the extent of dust growth. The more evolved the dust size distribution, the more the extraction of the ice mantle composition will require both understanding and taking grain growth into account.

Abstract Copyright: © E. Dartois et al. 2022

Journal keyword(s): ISM: lines and bands - dust, extinction - radiative transfer - protoplanetary disks - ISM: clouds - infrared: ISM

Simbad objects: 21

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Number of rows : 21
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME W3 IRS 5 Y*O 02 25 40.54 +62 05 51.4           B1 355 0
2 * 18 Tau PM* 03 45 09.7401340368 +24 50 21.343198416 5.21 5.57 5.64 5.61 5.68 B8V 278 0
3 IRAS 04016+2610 Y*O 04 04 43.07064 +26 18 56.3904           ~ 260 0
4 LDN 1489 DNe 04 04 47.5 +26 19 42           ~ 229 0
5 IRAS 04302+2247 Y*O 04 33 16.50096 +22 53 20.4000           ~ 182 0
6 NAME [BM89] B35A PoC 05 44 29.7 +09 08 54           ~ 4 0
7 RAFGL 989 Y*O 06 41 10.1587451112 +09 29 33.635220144   17.4 16.8 18.26 17.28 B2 267 0
8 RAFGL 4176 Y*O 13 43 01.70352 -62 08 51.2304           ~ 153 0
9 EM* SR 3 Y*O 16 26 09.3229222944 -24 34 12.172009728   10.9 9.88   9.01 A0 116 0
10 Elia 2-29 Y*O 16 27 09.43032 -24 37 18.7716           ~ 284 1
11 NAME Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud SFR 16 28 06 -24 32.5           ~ 3671 1
12 WR 112 WR* 18 16 33.4909366272 -18 58 42.341845368   20.7 17.7     WC8+O6/7III/V 135 0
13 RAFGL 2136 Y*O 18 22 26.52888 -13 30 14.0400           ~ 287 0
14 NAME Serpens Cloud SFR 18 29 49 +01 14.8           ~ 1112 2
15 V* V710 CrA Or* 19 01 50.67792 -36 58 09.6132           K7: 125 0
16 2MASS J19022213-3655409 TT* 19 02 22.1300594952 -36 55 40.964075976   15.17 13.72 12.5   K2IV 39 0
17 RAFGL 2591 Y*O 20 29 24.8230 +40 11 19.590           ~ 624 0
18 SH 2-140 OpC 22 19 07.8 +63 17 07           ~ 660 2
19 [WBN74] NGC 7538 IRS 1 Y*O 23 13 45.318 +61 28 11.69           ~ 414 3
20 IRAS 23118+6110 Y*O 23 14 02.09473 +61 27 18.8460           ~ 377 0
21 [GP75] R CrA r * ~ ~           ~ 2 0

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