
Query : 2022A&A...666A.188E

2022A&A...666A.188E - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 666A, 188 (2022/10-1)

The He I λ10830 Å line as a probe of winds and accretion in young stars in Lupus and Upper Scorpius.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. The He I λ0830 Å line is a high excitation line which allows us to probe the material in the innermost regions of protostellar disks, and to trace both accreting and outflowing material simultaneously.
Aims. We use X-shooter observations of a sample of 107 young stars in the Lupus (1-3 Myr) and Upper Scorpius (5-10 Myr) star-forming regions to search for correlations between the line properties, as well as the disk inclination and accretion luminosity.
Methods. We identified eight distinct profile types in the sample. We fitted Gaussian curves to the absorption and/or emission features in the line to measure the maximum velocities traced in absorption, the full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the line features, and the Gaussian area of the features.
Results. We compare the proportion of each profile type in our sample to previous studies in Taurus. We find significant variations between Taurus and Lupus in the proportion of P Cygni and inverse P Cygni profiles, and between Lupus and Upper Scorpius in the number of emission-only and combination profile types. We examine the emission-only profiles in our sample individually and find that most sources (nine out of 12) with emission-only profiles are associated with known jets. When examining the absorption features, we find that the blue-shifted absorption features appear less blue-shifted at disk inclinations close to edge-on, which is in line with past works, but no such trend with inclination is observed in the sources with only red-shifted features. Additionally, we do not see a strong correlation between the FWHM and inclination. Higher accretion rates were observed in sources with strong blue-shifted features which, along with the changes in the proportions of each profile type observed in the two regions, indicates that younger sources may drive stronger jets or winds.
Conclusions. Overall, we observe variations in the proportion of each He I λ10830 Å profile type and in the line properties which indicates an evolution of accretion and ejection signatures over time, and with source properties. These results confirm past works and models of the He I λ10830 Å line, but for a larger sample and for multiple star-forming regions. This work highlights the power of the He I λ0830 Å line as a probe of the gas in the innermost regions of the disk.

Abstract Copyright: © J. Erkal et al. 2022

Journal keyword(s): stars: pre-main sequence - stars: formation - protoplanetary disks - accretion - accretion disks

Simbad objects: 122

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Number of rows : 122
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Taurus Complex SFR 04 41.0 +25 52           ~ 4492 0
2 HD 30171 TT* 04 45 51.2948260920 +15 55 49.632455460   10.12 9.36   8.439 G5 53 0
3 RX J1535.8-2959 ** 15 35 48.559992 -29 58 55.22628   16.267 14.909 14.246   M4 20 0
4 Sz 65 Or* 15 39 27.7716659160 -34 46 17.211087984   13.11 12.13 11.33 10.76 K7 102 0
5 Sz 66 TT* 15 39 28.2828956688 -34 46 18.082914564   14.9   14.51 12.56 M2 59 0
6 2MASS J15414081-3345188 Y*O 15 41 40.8086577936 -33 45 18.847533888         17.38 M6.5 20 0
7 2MASS J15445789-3423392 Y*O 15 44 57.8922421008 -34 23 39.355357344   18.38 17.74 17.29 15.28 M5.0e 34 0
8 2MASS J15450887-3417333 Y*O 15 45 08.8742780880 -34 17 33.454839372       18.73   M5.5 46 0
9 CD-33 10685 Or* 15 45 12.8678037432 -34 17 30.644403036 12.47 11.56 10.224 9.60 8.685 K3Ve 273 1
10 V* HW Lup Or* 15 45 17.4118414392 -34 18 28.286447220   17.41 16.25     M1 75 0
11 2MASS J15451851-3421246 Y*O 15 45 18.5160315960 -34 21 24.553939896   17.95   17.35   M6.5 21 0
12 V* GW Lup Or* 15 46 44.7290527536 -34 30 35.677420056   13.8       M1.5e 146 0
13 V* HM Lup Or* 15 47 50.6288371920 -35 28 35.404076028   15.941 14.748 14.337   M3e 83 0
14 THA 15-5 TT* 15 47 56.9427182064 -35 14 34.796420412   14.5 16.2     K7e 85 0
15 V* HN Lup Or* 15 48 05.2154956876 -35 15 53.295162846   16.083 14.377 13.726   M3.5e 61 0
16 V* GQ Lup Or* 15 49 12.1053805848 -35 39 05.058139788 12.19 12.76 11.66 11.15   K7Ve 292 1
17 Sz 76 TT* 15 49 30.7355449512 -35 49 51.413284020   16.611 15.095 14.710   M3.2 52 0
18 2MASS J15514032-2146103 Y*? 15 51 40.3236141816 -21 46 10.410119868           M4Ve 21 0
19 Sz 77 TT* 15 51 46.9580885472 -35 56 44.112678504   12.0       K5.5 69 0
20 2MASS J15530132-2114135 Y*? 15 53 01.3221988656 -21 14 13.535823156           M4Ve 21 0
21 UCAC2 23646111 * 15 53 42.1002855120 -20 49 28.339057632         13.55 M3.4V 25 0
22 NAME THA 15-10A Y*O 15 55 50.2814014152 -38 01 33.699111168           M4.5 13 0
23 NAME THA 15-10B Y*O 15 55 50.3362340280 -38 01 31.864857996           M5.5 7 0
24 WRAY 15-1384 TT* 15 56 02.0994258408 -36 55 28.274506140 14.91 14.342 13.470 13.311 11.86 M1 45 0
25 THA 15-12 Or* 15 56 09.2066646912 -37 56 06.126118692   13.12 11.93 11.45   M0e 434 0
26 V* RU Lup TT* 15 56 42.3108692112 -37 49 15.473946900 9.27 10.07 9.60     K7/M0e 472 0
27 Sz 84 TT* 15 58 02.5198436808 -37 36 02.729938536   14.3       M5.0e 72 0
28 RX J155829.5-231026 TT* 15 58 29.8128891888 -23 10 07.752769680           M3e 47 0
29 HD 143006 Or* 15 58 36.9126279888 -22 57 15.220559196   10.92 10.14   8.70 G5IVe 263 0
30 WRAY 15-1400 TT* 15 59 16.4717314824 -41 57 10.300018176   13.5 12.0     K7IVe 99 0
31 2MASS J15592523-4235066 Y*O 15 59 25.2340111704 -42 35 06.571838868   17.42 16.82     M5 23 0
32 V* RY Lup Or* 15 59 28.3864710696 -40 21 51.249496176   12.62 9.90     G8/K1IV-V 224 0
33 UCAC3 96-205744 Y*O 16 00 00.6018563304 -42 21 56.821951152   17.29 15.85 15.25 13.43 M4.5 37 0
34 UCAC3 96-205752 Y*O 16 00 02.3583827328 -42 22 14.600258148   16.86 15.46 14.98 13.59 M4 47 0
35 [PBB2002] USco J160018.4-223011 * 16 00 18.4309283544 -22 30 11.535396696           M3e 27 0
36 2MASS J16002612-4153553 Y*O 16 00 26.1203153232 -41 53 55.371567156   16.57 16.45 15.70 13.80 M5.25 35 0
37 Sz 130 TT* 16 00 31.0374709944 -41 43 36.988516560   15.82 14.71 13.56 12.46 M1.5 63 0
38 V* MY Lup TT* 16 00 44.5202267160 -41 55 30.935126748   12.64 12.17 11.06   K0 111 0
39 Sz 131 Y*O 16 00 49.4333360352 -41 30 03.916812096   17.51 16.13 14.60 12.92 M2 42 0
40 [PBB2002] USco J160140.8-225810 ** 16 01 40.868760 -22 58 10.58520   15.67 15.30 15.37   M3e 27 0
41 [PBB2002] USco J160207.5-225746 Ro* 16 02 07.5766784976 -22 57 46.882812240           M1e 37 0
42 2MASS J16024152-2138245 Ro* 16 02 41.5203177936 -21 38 24.636813108           M4.75 25 0
43 NAME Lupus Complex SFR 16 03 -38.1           ~ 731 0
44 HD 325367 Or* 16 03 05.4915085848 -40 18 25.426727676   11.40 8.50     M0 366 0
45 Sz 133 Y*O 16 03 29.3848659360 -41 40 01.765426548   17.77 16.60 15.78 15.04 K2 48 0
46 2MASS J16035767-2031055 TT* 16 03 57.6711677256 -20 31 05.604697272   13.4   11.73 10.92 K5 60 0
47 [PGZ2001] J160357.9-194210 Y*O 16 03 57.9355222272 -19 42 10.905101028           M2e 45 0
48 UCAC4 352-076526 Ro* 16 04 17.4053275800 -19 42 28.816820568   15.809 14.697 15.535   M3.5 25 0
49 [M81] I-490 Y*O 16 04 18.9135130896 -24 30 39.860961120   15.56 13.87 13.50 11.23 M2.5e 22 0
50 ATO J241.0901-21.5080 Y*O 16 04 21.6547947840 -21 30 28.550063304   13.3       K2 135 0
51 [PGZ2001] J160545.4-202308 Y*O 16 05 45.3995129856 -20 23 08.809297440           M2e 38 0
52 ScoPMS 31 TT* 16 06 21.9398106936 -19 28 44.802473268     13.47     M0.5V 50 0
53 2MASS J16063539-2516510 * 16 06 35.3929524000 -25 16 51.199726044           M4.5 20 0
54 [PGZ2001] J160643.8-190805 Y*O 16 06 43.8620267616 -19 08 05.549732448           K6e 49 0
55 V* HO Lup A Y*O 16 07 00.5998021080 -39 02 19.515199452           M0 14 0
56 V* HO Lup B Y*O 16 07 00.6752385384 -39 02 18.260138076           M4.5 13 0
57 2MASS J16070384-3911113 Y*O 16 07 03.84336 -39 11 11.3208       18.79 16.80 M4.5 42 0
58 2MASS J16070854-3914075 LM* 16 07 08.5530917712 -39 14 07.494035352   17.85   18.67 17.86 M1.75 39 0
59 THA 15-21 TT* 16 07 10.0694468880 -39 11 03.260683896   15.28 13.70 13.70 12.49 K7-M0 73 0
60 THA 15-20 TT* 16 07 11.5873449384 -39 03 47.492129340   16.25 14.58 14.11 12.92 M0.5 107 0
61 2MASS J16072625-2432079 Y*? 16 07 26.2542206184 -24 32 07.913328360           M3.5 26 0
62 2MASS J16073773-3921388 Y*O 16 07 37.7327699304 -39 21 38.745260928   18.38 17.4 17.12 15.68 M5.5e 39 0
63 Sz 95 TT* 16 07 52.3109740056 -38 58 06.091698756   16.714 15.189 14.934 12.53 ~ 53 0
64 2MASS J16080017-3902595 Y*O 16 08 00.1718615064 -39 02 59.504573976   16.94 17.01 16.72 14.31 M5.5e 45 0
65 Sz 96 TT* 16 08 12.6308620920 -39 08 33.470354256   14.80 13.43 13.69 11.84 ~ 79 0
66 2MASS J16081497-3857145 Y*O 16 08 14.9753942112 -38 57 14.409165492       18.93 17.42 4.75 43 0
67 2MASS J16081566-2222199 LM* 16 08 15.6662977704 -22 22 20.054864892           M3.25 27 0
68 THA 15-24 Y*O 16 08 21.8037909864 -39 04 21.491863824   16.18 14.61 14.67 12.92 M3 58 0
69 V* V1279 Sco Or* 16 08 22.4935277520 -39 04 46.427612052   14.99 13.66 11.70 11.21 M0.4 121 1
70 [T64] 3 Y*O 16 08 23.2468097568 -19 30 00.977031108         11.79 K9e 55 0
71 THA 15-25 Y*O 16 08 24.0422612880 -39 05 49.433170740   15.49 16.00 15.39 14.17 M3.5 49 0
72 THA 15-26 Y*O 16 08 25.7633674272 -39 06 01.247043888   16.62 15.43 14.97 13.12 M5 66 0
73 [PGZ2001] J160827.5-194904 Y*O 16 08 27.5104444296 -19 49 05.061066924           M5e 35 0
74 SSTc2d J160828.1-391310 Y*O 16 08 28.1226362485 -39 13 09.781567277   17.45   17.76 16.13 M6.5 29 0
75 WRAY 16-203 Or* 16 08 29.7275063376 -39 03 11.024360496   16.26 15.91 15.38 15.69 K0: 172 1
76 THA 15-29 Y*O 16 08 30.2687378568 -39 06 11.176056000   14.8 11.14 15.18 13.15 M4 64 0
77 IRAS 16051-3820 Y*O 16 08 30.6994064064 -38 28 26.846324004   11.89 11.15 10.67   K2 69 0
78 THA 15-30 TT* 16 08 30.8142130416 -39 05 48.837746436   15.2 15.25 13.96 13.57 M5 61 0
79 V* V1094 Sco TT* 16 08 36.1772010696 -39 23 02.464980972 16.01 15.00 13.48 12.47 11.45 ~ 78 1
80 2MASS J16083733-3923109 Y*O 16 08 37.3331402112 -39 23 10.926378348   20.1 19.1 20.70 18.44 M7.5e 24 0
81 Sz 106 Y*O 16 08 39.7597402848 -39 06 25.321212288   15.1   15.00 14.66 M2.5 47 0
82 Sz 107 Y*O 16 08 41.7980924472 -39 01 37.038551232   17.31 16.06 15.42 13.20 M5.5 41 0
83 NAME Sz 108B Y*O 16 08 42.8838783888 -39 06 14.692839804       17.71 14.39 M5 37 0
84 IRAS 16054-3857 Y*O 16 08 49.3987083072 -39 05 39.447341844   16.76 17.71 15.89 14.24 M4.5 53 0
85 V* V1192 Sco Or* 16 08 51.4348063536 -39 05 30.460358652     21.9 18.97 18.18 M5 73 0
86 V* V1193 Sco Or* 16 08 51.5693655096 -39 03 17.707587264   15.27 14.58 13.72 12.28 M4.5 70 0
87 UCAC3 102-194910 Y*O 16 08 53.2420957464 -39 14 40.160339952   17.53 16.35 15.35 13.52 M3 50 1
88 2MASS J16085373-3914367 Y*O 16 08 53.7357629040 -39 14 36.799256184       21.73 18.76 M5.5 38 0
89 THA 15-33 TT* 16 08 54.6849382512 -39 37 43.145069664   15.34 13.98 13.29   M1IVe 92 0
90 2MASS J16085529-3848481 Y*O 16 08 55.2899613672 -38 48 48.174613416   17.36   17.24 15.24 M6.5 36 1
91 Sz 112 Y*O 16 08 55.5289090032 -39 02 33.941081832   16.62 15.39 14.78 12.93 M6 67 0
92 THA 15-34 Y*O 16 08 57.8026653048 -39 02 22.853868252   17.46 16.50 16.64 14.65 M6 59 0
93 2MASS J16085953-3856275 Y*O 16 08 59.5395612120 -38 56 27.592929708       19.25 16.91 M8.5e 34 0
94 [PBB2002] USco J160900.0-190836 Ro* 16 09 00.0227996640 -19 08 36.865209012           M5e 41 0
95 [PGZ2001] J160900.7-190852 TT* 16 09 00.7592409720 -19 08 52.680361920           M1.0V 69 0
96 2MASS J16090141-3925119 Y*O 16 09 01.4148377304 -39 25 11.923332420   16.92 15.31 15.04 13.48 M4 51 0
97 THA 15-35 Or* 16 09 01.8486544824 -39 05 12.414717240   15.33 14.12 14.35 12.54 M5.5 109 0
98 Sz 115 TT* 16 09 06.2137580736 -39 08 51.873869400   16.88 15.48 15.09 13.12 ~ 50 0
99 2MASS J16092697-3836269 Y*O 16 09 26.9795990952 -38 36 26.933727420   17.55   16.31 14.74 M4.5 32 0
100 THA 15-37 Y*O 16 09 44.3607357216 -39 13 30.167581764   15.84 14.59 14.20 12.38 M2 60 0
101 Sz 118 Y*O 16 09 48.6562295568 -39 11 16.847425032   18.32 16.90 16.61 15.00 K6 66 0
102 [PBB2002] USco J160953.6-175446 Y*? 16 09 53.6173365312 -17 54 47.434100292           M3e 37 0
103 2MASS J16095628-3859518 Y*O 16 09 56.2954845696 -38 59 51.581549796   17.37 18.0 16.49 15.28 M6.0e 46 0
104 SONYC Lup3-29 Y*O 16 10 01.3326378528 -39 06 44.815987296   18.38 17.42 17.90 15.27 M7.5 27 0
105 2MASS J16101857-3836125 Y*O 16 10 18.5677223424 -38 36 12.598346628   18.37 16.63 16.67 14.70 M5 30 0
106 2MASS J16101984-3836065 Y*O 16 10 19.8333629688 -38 36 06.586243272   17.39   16.76 15.57 M6.5 35 0
107 2MASS J16102955-3922144 Y*O 16 10 29.5517478000 -39 22 14.451017844   17.51 16.31 15.79 13.90 M4.5 52 0
108 2MASS J16104636-1840598 LM* 16 10 46.3656092640 -18 40 59.927804976   19.5       M4.5 33 0
109 NAME THA 15-42B Y*O 16 10 51.4487859072 -38 53 12.993835812           M2 9 0
110 THA 15-42 Y*O 16 10 51.5849835192 -38 53 13.767885384   15.89 14.48 14.44 12.95 M1e 73 0
111 UCAC2 23893922 Em* 16 11 13.3078806264 -20 19 02.974403388           M3 22 1
112 2MASS J16115979-3823383 TT* 16 11 59.7947194344 -38 23 38.374012212   18.17 16.55 16.24 14.26 M5.0e 48 0
113 NAME Upper Sco Association As* 16 12 -23.4           ~ 1396 1
114 [T64] 6 Em* 16 12 39.1668122808 -18 59 28.459379616   15.5   13.99 11.84 K2.5IV 39 1
115 UCAC3 104-204438 Y*O 16 12 43.7499349656 -38 15 03.075603264   15.00 13.44 13.39 11.61 M1 44 0
116 UCAC4 325-083773 Ro* 16 13 36.5071753392 -25 03 47.736449460   15.997 15.128 15.461   M3.5 23 0
117 2MASS J16134410-3736462 Y*O 16 13 44.1007544088 -37 36 46.261518840   17.97   16.37 14.66 M5 27 0
118 2MASS J16135434-2320342 LM* 16 13 54.3201573624 -23 20 34.610381412           M4.5 23 0
119 CD-22 11432 TT* 16 14 11.0697507472 -23 05 36.071480044   11.90 10.70   9.255 K2IV 78 0
120 [PGZ2001] J161433.6-190013 Y*O 16 14 33.6717724656 -19 00 13.479169896           M3e 30 0
121 GSC 06209-00747 Em* 16 15 44.1705964824 -19 21 17.234880660   15.56 14.14     K5:Ve 33 0
122 2MASS J16181904-2028479 Y*O 16 18 19.0518159768 -20 28 47.899349724           M4.75 22 0

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