
Query : 2023A&A...671A...7S

2023A&A...671A...7S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 671A, 7 (2023/3-1)

VPNEP: Detailed characterization of TESS targets around the Northern Ecliptic Pole I. Survey design, pilot analysis, and initial data release.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. We embarked on a high-resolution optical spectroscopic survey of bright Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) stars around the Northern Ecliptic Pole (NEP), dubbed the Vatican-Potsdam-NEP (VPNEP) survey.
Aims. Our NEP coverage comprises ≈770 square degrees with 1067 stars, of which 352 are bona fide dwarf stars and 715 are giant stars, all cooler than spectral type F0 and brighter than V = 8m.5. Our aim is to characterize these stars for the benefit of future studies in the community.
Methods. We analyzed the spectra via comparisons with synthetic spectra. Particular line profiles were analyzed by means of eigenprofiles, equivalent widths, and relative emission-line fluxes (when applicable).
Results. Two R = 200 000 spectra were obtained for each of the dwarf stars with the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) and the Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument (PEPSI), with typically three R = 55 000 spectra obtained for the giant stars with STELLA and the STELLA Echelle Spectrograph (SES). Combined with V-band magnitudes, Gaia EDR3 parallaxes, and isochrones from the Padova and Trieste Stellar Evolutionary Code, the spectra can be used to obtain radial velocities, effective temperatures, gravities, rotational and turbulence broadenings, stellar masses and ages, and abundances for 27 chemical elements, as well as isotope ratios for lithium and carbon, line bisector spans, convective blue-shifts (when feasible), and levels of magnetic activity from Hα, Hβ, and the Ca II infrared triplet. In this initial paper, we discuss our analysis tools and biases, presenting our first results from a pilot sub-sample of 54 stars (27 bona-fide dwarf stars observed with VATT+PEPSI and 27 bona-fide giant stars observed with STELLA+SES) and making all reduced spectra available to the community. We carried out a follow-up error analysis, including systematic biases and standard deviations based on a joint target sample for both facilities, as well as a comparison with external data sources.

Abstract Copyright: © The Authors 2023

Journal keyword(s): stars: atmospheres - stars: late-type - stars: abundances - stars: activity - stars: fundamental parameters - techniques: spectroscopic

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/671/A7): tablea1.dat-tablea8.dat table5.dat fits/*>

Status at CDS : All or part of tables of objects will be ingested in SIMBAD with priority 1.

Simbad objects: 68

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Number of rows : 68
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 * tau Cet PM* 01 44 04.0831371922 -15 56 14.927607677 4.43 4.22 3.50 2.88 2.41 G8V 1266 1
2 * eps Eri BY* 03 32 55.8444911587 -09 27 29.739493865 5.19 4.61 3.73 3.00 2.54 K2V 1955 1
3 NGC 2682 OpC 08 51 23.0 +11 48 50           ~ 2368 0
4 NGC 2682 164 RG* 08 51 28.9910274072 +11 50 33.127331784   11.675 10.441 10.250 9.46 K1III 147 0
5 * bet Vir PM* 11 50 41.7185158616 +01 45 53.001539131 4.26 4.15 3.60 3.13 2.85 F9V 935 0
6 * alf Boo RG* 14 15 39.67207 +19 10 56.6730 2.46 1.18 -0.05 -1.03 -1.68 K1.5IIIFe-0.5 2338 1
7 HD 134585 PM* 15 05 45.8411599680 +71 52 57.761791608   8.64 7.46     K2 27 0
8 HD 135143 PM* 15 08 30.3696185496 +72 22 09.631012908   8.43 7.83     G0 37 0
9 HD 135045 * 15 08 35.8417358016 +70 08 48.543245412   8.55 8.03     G5 27 0
10 HD 135119 * 15 09 06.2352460752 +69 39 11.114092980   7.42 7.12     F2 18 0
11 * 11 UMi * 15 17 05.8894632720 +71 49 26.047336872   6.384 5.015     K4III 125 1
12 HD 136919 * 15 17 22.6182664008 +74 02 42.504934956   7.713 6.681     K0 29 0
13 HD 137292 PM* 15 18 50.0681697048 +74 51 29.041375896   8.78 7.62     K2 17 0
14 HD 138020 * 15 22 12.4159712184 +76 38 25.671186384   9.15 7.76     K0 14 0
15 HD 138116 * 15 25 36.9001032456 +68 13 33.155043132   9.16 8.10     M0/1 14 0
16 HD 138301 * 15 25 56.6251934616 +71 20 22.895075184   8.73 7.70     K0 13 0
17 HD 138852 PM* 15 30 55.7637907944 +64 12 31.295104524   6.721 5.738     K0III-IV 63 0
18 HD 138916 * 15 31 02.3722302072 +66 40 16.526225892   8.61 8.27     F0 21 0
19 HD 139797 ** 15 32 30.20787 +76 46 25.0276   9.33 8.54 8.64   G0 21 0
20 HD 140341 * 15 35 16.1035550064 +76 50 34.312053156   8.43 8.03     F5 21 0
21 HD 140227 PM* 15 37 39.1284164424 +69 17 00.040060968   7.011 5.627     M0III 34 0
22 HD 142006 * 15 46 49.0004396592 +70 22 27.148513836   8.26 7.76     F8 29 0
23 HD 142089 ** 15 49 15.58710 +60 31 38.5539   8.41 7.92     F5 56 0
24 HD 142961 * 15 53 29.0008596000 +65 17 17.712440880   7.66 6.72     G5 16 0
25 HD 143641 * 15 55 40.8944861760 +72 23 31.341213744 9.120 8.260 7.230     K0 20 0
26 HD 144061 PM* 15 58 21.0274554816 +70 53 39.982348068   7.903 7.280 8.00   G2V 69 0
27 HD 145742 * 16 00 36.6778302192 +80 37 40.076285916   8.60 7.55     K0 37 0
28 HD 144903 * 16 04 48.9817977432 +60 02 40.984846908   8.57 7.39     K0 13 0
29 HD 145310 PM* 16 06 05.7552564936 +64 41 14.269501932   8.32 7.08     K0 17 0
30 HD 145710 SB* 16 08 36.5771309592 +62 29 07.549135296   8.88 8.47     F0V 26 0
31 HD 146603 * 16 12 25.3602550896 +67 08 39.043179744   7.213 6.211     G8III 27 0
32 * 20 UMi PM* 16 12 32.0953714224 +75 12 38.453190336 9.010 7.640 6.340     K2IV 30 0
33 HD 147764 * 16 20 19.6704317520 +59 46 14.910367296   8.59 7.54     G5 14 0
34 HD 148374 ** 16 23 47.1538745923 +61 41 47.293209688       6.77   G8III 64 0
35 HD 148978 PM* 16 28 29.6020028640 +58 14 18.258891864   9.14 8.09     K0 14 0
36 HD 150275 PM* 16 30 38.8004631552 +77 26 47.458511556   7.34   5.8   K1III 82 0
37 HD 150706 PM* 16 31 17.5830478008 +79 47 23.197555824   7.622 7.016     G0 217 1
38 HD 150010 PM* 16 31 28.2272499978 +72 36 44.417039002   7.64 6.31     K2III 36 0
39 HD 149843 * 16 33 48.3866510664 +59 40 37.830833688   8.75 7.71     K0 17 0
40 HD 150142 * 16 33 54.9568347624 +68 00 46.775973636   8.52 7.12     K0 16 0
41 HD 151698 PM* 16 39 07.5071574192 +77 52 10.027844688   9.13 8.06 7.4   K0 20 0
42 HD 150826 * 16 40 07.5978427344 +58 07 12.694547928   8.71 8.24     F6IV 26 0
43 HD 155153 * 16 56 24.1452649560 +80 51 34.470321624 8.430 7.630 6.620     G5 20 0
44 V* VX UMi gD* 17 01 40.1126486160 +75 17 50.983079316 6.490 6.480 6.180     F2IVnn 51 0
45 HD 155859 PM* 17 05 59.9473674048 +75 06 12.504971196   7.94 7.38     G0 34 0
46 HD 156279 PM* 17 12 23.2048155528 +63 21 07.531228764       7.6   K0 62 1
47 HD 160076 SB* 17 29 22.2252397800 +75 38 15.244940184   8.79 8.47     F5 19 0
48 * bet Dra * 17 30 25.9616959 +52 18 04.999351 4.43 3.79 2.81 2.12 1.64 G2Ib-IIa 418 0
49 HD 160052 ** 17 32 45.1197418224 +66 58 56.402006232   8.44 8.04     F2 24 0
50 HD 160605 PM* 17 35 09.5280721296 +68 48 42.990181200   9.05 8.02     K2 10 0
51 HD 161897 PM* 17 41 06.7006941384 +72 25 13.242530836   8.33   7.1   K0 62 1
52 * psi01 Dra A SB* 17 41 56.0623701456 +72 08 55.927617972   4.98 4.55 4.3   F5IV-V 167 1
53 * psi01 Dra B PM* 17 41 58.1032377264 +72 09 24.845629104   6.04 5.53 5.2   F8V 157 0
54 HD 162524 * 17 48 17.2025065920 +54 59 30.342264108   8.99 8.48     F8 12 0
55 HD 163607 PM* 17 53 40.4946041184 +56 23 31.040169720   8.762 7.979 7.80   G5IV 76 1
56 * psi02 Dra * 17 55 11.1521210328 +72 00 18.453898548 5.920 5.750 5.430     F2III 41 0
57 NAME NEP reg 18 00 00.000 +66 33 38.55           ~ 367 0
58 HD 165700 PM* 18 04 00.4642581984 +55 16 23.442076848   8.21 7.80     F8 29 0
59 V* BY Dra BY* 18 33 55.7720712062 +51 43 08.897780286 10.22 9.23   8.733   K4Ve+K7.5Ve 623 0
60 HD 175225 PM* 18 51 34.9201379040 +52 58 30.246268944   6.35   5.0   G9IVa 117 1
61 * ups Dra SB* 18 54 23.8518781344 +71 17 49.906555332   5.964 4.814     K0IIICN0.5 105 0
62 HD 176841 PM* 18 56 49.2562317096 +68 17 32.580346488   8.30 7.62     G5 54 0
63 HD 180005 * 19 11 21.4110568752 +58 19 19.926270336   8.54 8.21     F2 18 0
64 HD 180712 PM* 19 14 01.4607940848 +59 33 06.562648476   8.57 7.99     F8 33 0
65 * eps Dra PM* 19 48 10.3504589976 +70 16 04.549073664   4.83 3.91     G7IIIbFe-1 153 0
66 HD 192438 * 20 10 15.1053984912 +68 17 54.440122416   7.88 7.51     F2 21 0
67 HD 194298 * 20 21 11.5242408336 +63 58 48.422618040   7.25 5.69     K5III 30 0
68 HD 199019 PM* 20 49 29.3402777256 +71 46 29.232837660       7.7   G5 48 0

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