
Query : 2023A&A...671A..15C

2023A&A...671A..15C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 671A, 15 (2023/3-1)

What does a typical full disc around a post-AGB binary look like? Radiative transfer models reproducing PIONIER, GRAVITY, and MATISSE data.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Stable circumbinary discs around evolved post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) binary systems composed of gas and dust show many similarities with protoplanetary discs around young stellar objects. These discs can provide constraints on both binary evolution and the formation of macrostructures within circumstellar discs. Here we focus on one post-AGB binary system: IRAS 08544-4431.
Aims. We aim to refine the physical model of IRAS 08544-4431 with a radiative transfer treatment and continue the near-infrared and mid-infrared interferometric analysis covering the H, K, L, and N bands. Results from geometric modelling of these data in our previous study constrain the shape of the inner rim of the disc and its radial dust structure. We aim to capture the previously detected amount of over-resolved flux and the radial intensity profile at and beyond the inner dust disc rim to put constraints on the physical processes in the inner disc regions.
Methods. We used a three-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer code to investigate the physical structure of the disc by reproducing both the photometry and the multi-wavelength infrared interferometric dataset. We first performed a parametric study to explore the effect of the individual parameters and selected the most important parameters, which were then used in a thorough grid search to fit the structural characteristics. We developed a strategy to identify the models that were best able to reproduce our extensive multi-wavelength dataset.
Results. We find a family of models that successfully fit the infrared photometric and interferometric data in all bands. These models show a flaring geometry with efficient settling. Larger grains are present in the inner disc as probed by our infrared interferometric observations. Some over-resolved flux component was recovered in all bands, but the optimised models still fall short in explaining all the over-resolved flux. This suggests that another dusty structure within the system that is not included in our models plays a role. The structure of this over-resolved component is unclear, but it has a colour temperature between 1400 and 3600 K.
Conclusions. Multi-wavelength infrared interferometric observations of circumstellar discs allow the inner disc regions to be studied in unprecedented detail. The refined physical models can reproduce most of the investigated features, including the photometric characteristics, the radial extent, and the overall shape of the visibility curves. Our multi-wavelength interferometric observations combined with photometry show that the disc around IRAS 08544-4431 is similar to protoplanetary discs around young stars with similar dust masses and efficient dust growth. The resulting disc geometry is capable of reproducing part of the over-resolved flux, but to fully reproduce the over-resolved flux component, an additional component is needed. Multi-scale high-angular-resolution analysis combining VLTI, VLT/SPHERE, and ALMA data is needed to fully define the structure of the system.

Abstract Copyright: © The Authors 2023

Journal keyword(s): stars: AGB and post-AGB - techniques: interferometric - binaries: general - protoplanetary disks - circumstellar matter

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Number of rows : 1
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 CD-44 4961 pA* 08 56 14.1799968840 -44 43 10.721249580   10.55 9.176     F3e 74 1

Query : 2023A&A...671A..15C

Basic data :
CD-44 4961 -- Post-AGB Star
Origin of the objects types :

(Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref"
(acronym) Object type linked to the acronym according to the original reference
() Anterior to 2007, before we can link the objet type to a reference, or given by the CDS team in some particular cases

Other object types:
* (CD,CPD,...), NIR (DENIS,2MASS), MIR (MSX6C,WISE), pA* (2007A&A), C* (CGCS), LP* (2022yCat), AB? (1991A&AS), V* (V*), IR (IRAS)
Syntax of coordinates is : "ra dec (wtype) [error ellipse] quality bibcode" :
  • ra dec : right ascension and declination (unit and frame defined according to your Output Options)
    Grey values are increasing the original precision due to the computation of frame transformations
  • (wtype) : wavelength class for the origin of the coordinates (Rad, mm, IR, Optical, UV, Xray, Gam)
  • [error ellipse] : measurement uncertainty, on (ra,dec) if the positional angle is 90 degrees, on (majaxis,minaxis) otherwise (in mas at defined epoch in the original catalogue),
    position angle (in degrees North celestial pole to East)
  • quality : flag of quality
    • E ≥ 10"
    • D : 1-10" (and some old data)
    • C : 0.1-1"
    • B : 0.01-0.1" + 2MASS, Tyc
    • A : VLBI, Hipparcos
  • bibcode : bibcode of the coordinates reference
ICRS coord. (ep=J2000) :
08 56 14.1799968840 -44 43 10.721249580 (Optical) [ 0.0433 0.0502 90 ] A 2020yCat.1350....0G
Syntax of coordinates is : "ra dec (wtype) [error ellipse] quality bibcode" :
  • ra dec : right ascension and declination (unit and frame defined according to your Output Options)
    Grey values are increasing the original precision due to the computation of frame transformations
  • (wtype) : wavelength class for the origin of the coordinates (Rad, mm, IR, Optical, UV, Xray, Gam)
  • [error ellipse] : measurement uncertainty, on (ra,dec) if the positional angle is 90 degrees, on (majaxis,minaxis) otherwise (in mas at defined epoch in the original catalogue),
    position angle (in degrees North celestial pole to East)
  • quality : flag of quality
    • E ≥ 10"
    • D : 1-10" (and some old data)
    • C : 0.1-1"
    • B : 0.01-0.1" + 2MASS, Tyc
    • A : VLBI, Hipparcos
  • bibcode : bibcode of the coordinates reference
FK4 coord. (ep=B1950 eq=1950) :
08 54 28.0593336863 -44 31 36.844492890 [ 0.0433 0.0502 90 ]
Syntax of coordinates is : "ra dec (wtype) [error ellipse] quality bibcode" :
  • ra dec : right ascension and declination (unit and frame defined according to your Output Options)
    Grey values are increasing the original precision due to the computation of frame transformations
  • (wtype) : wavelength class for the origin of the coordinates (Rad, mm, IR, Optical, UV, Xray, Gam)
  • [error ellipse] : measurement uncertainty, on (ra,dec) if the positional angle is 90 degrees, on (majaxis,minaxis) otherwise (in mas at defined epoch in the original catalogue),
    position angle (in degrees North celestial pole to East)
  • quality : flag of quality
    • E ≥ 10"
    • D : 1-10" (and some old data)
    • C : 0.1-1"
    • B : 0.01-0.1" + 2MASS, Tyc
    • A : VLBI, Hipparcos
  • bibcode : bibcode of the coordinates reference
Gal coord. (ep=J2000) :
265.5011472334352 +00.3863383824205 [ 0.0433 0.0502 90 ]
Syntax of proper motions is : "pm-ra pm-dec [error ellipse] quality bibcode"
  • pm-ra : mu-ra*cos(dec) (expressed in the ICRS system in mas/yr)
  • pm-dec : mu-dec (expressed in the ICRS system in mas/yr)
  • [error ellipse] : error major axis and minor axis (in mas), orientation angle (in deg)
  • quality : flag of quality (A=best quality -> E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality)
  • bibcode : bibcode of the proper motion reference
Proper motions mas/yr :
-9.580 8.033 [0.060 0.066 90] A 2020yCat.1350....0G
Syntax of parallax is : 'value quality [error] bibcode'
  • value : parallax value
  • quality : flag of quality (A=best quality -> E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality)
  • [error] : mean error
  • bibcode : bibcode of the parallax reference
Parallaxes (mas):
0.6334 [0.0552] A 2020yCat.1350....0G
Spectral type is made of 3 parts: %coding is composed of 4 parts :
  • the spectral type, which is made of a temperature class, eventually a luminosity class (roman number) and/or spectral peculiarities;
  • a quality letter: A=best quality→E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality %
  • a quality letter: A=best quality -> E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality
  • bibcode : bibcode of the spectral type reference
Spectral type:
F3e D 2003A&A...405..271M
Syntax of fluxes (or magnitudes) is : "filter-name (System) flux-value [error] quality MultVarFlags bibcode"
  • filter-name : U, B, V, R, I, G, J, H, K, u, g, r, i, z
  • (System) : may be AB (default is Vega)
  • flux-value : value of flux or magnitude
  • [error] : error value
  • quality : flag of quality of the flux value ( A=best quality -> E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality)
  • MultVarFlags : Mult is zero or one char (J) for joined photometry ; Var can be zero or two chars (V[0-4])
  • bibcode : bibcode of the flux reference
Fluxes (6) :
B 10.55 [0.05] D 2000A&A...355L..27H
V 9.176 [0.019] D 2000A&A...355L..27H
G 8.251122 [0.003800] C 2020yCat.1350....0G
J 5.575 [0.024] C 2003yCat.2246....0C
H 4.743 [0.040] C 2003yCat.2246....0C
K 3.523 [0.244] D 2003yCat.2246....0C
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: 1 : 11508 Display criteria :

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Identifiers (17) :
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CD-44 4961 GSC 07688-01063 TYC 7688-1063-1 Gaia DR3 5331400427026098816
CGCS 6318 IRAS 08544-4431 UCAC2 12629792 Gaia DR1 5331400422726835584
CPD-44 3238 2MASS J08561419-4443107 V* V390 Vel
DENIS J085614.1-444310 MSX6C G265.4996+00.3865 WISE J085614.27-444308.8
GSC2 S1331332635 TIC 30378919 Gaia DR2 5331400427026098816

References (74 between 1850 and 2024) (Total 74)
Simbad bibliographic survey began in 1850 for stars (at least bright stars) and in 1983 for all other objects (outside the solar system).
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V* : 1    distance : 1    PLX : 3    PM : 2    MK : 3   


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herschel : 4   


External archives :

Data at NED - NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database : CD-44 4961

Link by name to the catalogue in VizieR :

CD-44 4961 CGCS 6318 CPD-44 3238 DENIS J085614.1-444310 GSC 07688-01063
IRAS 08544-4431 2MASS J08561419-4443107 MSX6C G265.4996+00.3865 TYC 7688-1063-1 UCAC2 12629792
V* V390 Vel WISE J085614.27-444308.8 Gaia DR2 5331400427026098816 Gaia DR3 5331400427026098816 Gaia DR1 5331400422726835584

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