
Query : 2023A&A...671A..97E

2023A&A...671A..97E - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 671A, 97 (2023/3-1)

Barium and related stars, and their white-dwarf companions III. The masses of the white dwarfs.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Masses are one of the most difficult stellar properties to measure. In the case of the white-dwarf (WD) companions of Barium (Ba) stars, the situation is worse. These stars are dim, cool, and difficult to observe via direct methods. However, Ba stars were polluted by the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) progenitors of these WDs with matter rich in heavy elements, and the properties of their WD companions contain key information about binary interaction processes involving AGB stars and about the slow neutron capture process (s-process) of nucleosynthesis.
Aims. With this study, we aim to determine accurate and assumption-free masses for the WD companions of as many Ba stars as possible. We want to provide new observational constraints that can help us learn about the formation and evolution of these post-interaction binary systems and about the nucleosythesis processes that took place in the interiors of their AGB progenitors.
Methods. We combined archival radial-velocity data with HIPPARCOS and Gaia astrometry using the software package ORVARA, a code designed to simultaneously fit a single Keplerian model to any combination of these types of data using a parallel-tempering Markov chain Monte Carlo method. We adopted Gaussian priors for the Ba star masses and for the parallaxes, and assumed uninformative priors for the orbital elements and the WD masses.
Results. We determined new orbital inclinations and companion masses for 60 Ba star systems. These results include a couple of new orbits and several improved orbits for the longest-period systems. Additionally, we unravelled a new triple system that was not known before and constrained the orbits and the masses of the two companions.
Conclusions. The WD mass distribution presented in this work is compatible with that of field WDs and with the distributions published before for Ba star companions. A few WD companions have masses higher than 0.8 M, considering 1-σ uncertainties. This indicates that they might come from AGB stars that are more massive than 3 M. These masses are higher than what the abundance ratios on Ba star atmospheres and theoretical models of the s-process of nucleosynthesis seem to expect, raising interesting questions about the formation of these systems.

Abstract Copyright: © The Authors 2023

Journal keyword(s): white dwarfs - stars: late-type - binaries: close - stars: chemically peculiar - astrometry - stars: evolution

Simbad objects: 61

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Number of rows : 61
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 2454 SB* 00 28 20.0424818616 +10 11 23.297664120   6.47   5.8   F5VSr 180 0
2 HD 5424 SB* 00 55 43.9284269928 -27 53 37.262442120   10.558 9.517 9.690   G8II 56 1
3 HD 16458 SB* 02 47 47.7257592048 +81 26 54.505744152   7.091 5.781     K1Ba5 165 0
4 HD 18182 SB* 02 55 11.0938072080 -04 18 59.871586536   10.02 8.97     G8/K0III 35 0
5 HD 20394 SB* 03 16 53.5805786568 +02 20 21.666453072   9.81 8.74     G9-IIIa:Ba2.5 49 0
6 HD 24035 SB* 03 43 42.5926451400 -72 36 32.798908692 9.70 9.74 8.51     K2:IIICN2Ba3CH4C21- 57 0
7 HD 27271 SB* 04 18 33.8242867776 +02 28 13.904303880   8.53 7.52     G8II 58 0
8 HD 31487 SB* 04 59 03.7278166656 +51 56 32.031317148   9.47 8.12     G8IIIBa3 54 0
9 HD 34654 SB* 05 23 39.8694572352 +64 07 29.106281496       7.0   F8 42 0
10 HD 40430 SB* 05 58 20.3999304048 -10 52 29.143536600 9.77 9.08 8.07     K0Ba1 43 0
11 HD 43389 SB* 06 15 47.0680552296 -02 23 08.240872344 11.26 9.80 8.32     K0/1IIICNIIp 51 1
12 HD 44896 SB* 06 22 53.7688341288 -33 36 52.569603216 10.79 8.90 7.27     K4.5IIIa:Ba4 61 0
13 HD 49641 s*r 06 49 29.4486633888 +03 41 30.139837368   8.47 7.12     K0Ib 52 0
14 HD 49841 SB* 06 50 38.9708742360 +05 39 46.333599588   9.60 8.60     G5 35 0
15 HD 50264 SB* 06 51 12.5032525968 -29 34 32.306464056   9.63 9.05     G1.5II-III:_Ba2_CH0.5 53 0
16 HD 50082 SB* 06 51 53.9588741976 +06 36 24.481624140   8.46 7.42     K0_Ba3 59 1
17 HD 51959 SB* 06 59 10.0961767488 -07 06 32.033021256   10.05 8.92     K1IIIBa1 48 0
18 HD 53199 SB* 07 04 48.2850310560 +13 14 19.215205260   10.06 9.07     G5 38 0
19 HD 58121 SB* 07 24 28.4375517552 +06 09 00.910843452   9.08 7.91     K1III 52 0
20 HD 58368 SB* 07 25 38.9680339992 +07 33 39.044806524   9.01 7.99     K0 60 0
21 HD 59852 SB* 07 31 46.5552500136 -04 21 35.292643992   9.59 8.70     G8III 39 0
22 BD-14 2678 SB* 08 51 55.5620549304 -14 39 09.388237284   10.781 9.849     K5 39 0
23 V* PV UMa SB* 09 03 32.2721549112 +53 06 29.817440280   7.86 6.86     G7III:Ba0.5 74 0
24 HD 87080 SB* 10 02 00.8591714448 -33 41 06.504849924   10.15 9.37     G6III_Ba5.5_CH 54 0
25 HD 88562 SB* 10 12 29.9425836816 -15 53 23.272044576   10.06 8.52     K1III 47 0
26 HD 91208 SB* 10 31 33.1354556736 -17 04 35.530762296   8.96 8.03     KpBa 45 0
27 HD 92626 SB* 10 40 49.9724755488 -48 01 30.370319904 9.53 8.44 7.09     K0_Ba5 95 0
28 HD 95193 SB* 10 59 26.7756769752 -14 10 17.739172596   9.27 8.28     G8Ib/II 42 0
29 HD 95241 SB* 11 00 20.6841801504 +42 54 42.127624548       5.7   F9V 110 0
30 * lam Crt SB* 11 23 21.8814666155 -18 46 48.128136896   5.51 5.09     F5III 115 0
31 * omi Vir SB* 12 05 12.5318326945 +08 43 58.866875781 5.75 5.11 4.12 3.38 2.89 G8IIICN0.5CH1Ba1 288 0
32 HD 107541 SB* 12 21 48.0763383264 -34 46 48.132220188 11.00 10.45 9.39     G9IIIBa8 53 0
33 HD 107574 SB* 12 21 51.8609784600 -18 24 00.253490832   8.99 8.54     F3IV/V 54 0
34 HD 119185 SB* 13 41 57.5120926632 -13 01 39.811506996   9.87 8.91     G8III(pBa) 48 0
35 HD 121447 SB* 13 55 46.9655016048 -18 14 56.486226336 11.50 9.61 7.80     C2,1_CH4:_Ba4 125 0
36 HD 123585 SB* 14 09 35.7949041768 -44 22 01.166065032   9.75 9.23     G0III_Ba3_CH 67 0
37 HD 123949 SB* 14 10 59.3114487936 -19 08 38.227483320 11.40 10.10 8.70     K1pBa 49 0
38 HD 127392 SB* 14 31 53.5081721928 -31 12 01.967602860   10.323 9.678 9.16 9.02 G2IIIBa4 50 0
39 BD-11 3853 SB* 15 00 30.9385017840 -12 26 56.702214888   10.826 10.249 10.266 9.744 Fwl 49 0
40 * 16 Ser SB* 15 36 29.5738934952 +10 00 36.529391340   6.217 5.253     K0III:CN1Ba0.7Sr2 208 0
41 HD 143899 SB* 16 03 43.8067112448 -19 34 30.730124064   9.35 8.30     G8IIBa1 41 0
42 BD-10 4311 SB* 16 24 13.1941511520 -11 13 06.510639216   10.48 9.88     G0Ba1 39 0
43 HD 178717 SB* 19 09 22.0095424584 +10 14 28.239748008   9.05 7.14     K3.5III:Ba4+ 116 0
44 HD 180622 SB* 19 17 11.0284324944 +00 29 50.518905540   8.85 7.63     G8/K0Ib 33 0
45 HD 182274 SB* 19 23 12.5370443112 +19 22 31.296222048   8.25 7.80     F6V 72 0
46 HD 183915 SB* 19 31 25.5039458808 +11 37 40.623930768   8.65 7.29     K0III:Ba3.5 83 0
47 HD 199939 SB* 20 58 43.4942605752 +44 24 52.482256560   8.74 7.44     G9III:Ba4 88 0
48 HD 200063 SB* 21 01 04.0446659928 +01 02 05.721877680   8.75 7.20     K2II 35 0
49 HD 201657 SB* 21 10 33.5317271064 +16 58 46.441088616   9.24 8.00     K2 50 0
50 HD 201824 SB* 21 12 17.5834473576 -08 21 24.856045164   10.05 8.94     GpBa 42 0
51 HD 202400 SB* 21 19 38.2926039648 -70 04 42.184981956   9.57 9.18     ApSr 32 0
52 * zet Cap SB* 21 26 40.0306553034 -22 24 40.753242596 5.35 4.75 3.74 3.09 2.65 G4Ib:Ba2 285 1
53 HD 205011 SB* 21 31 50.1446031000 +23 50 42.585987624   7.50 6.42     G9+IIIaBa1+ 76 0
54 HD 207585 SB* 21 50 34.7136512016 -24 11 11.686804584   10.50 9.78     G2II:Ba1.5CH1Fe-1 53 0
55 HD 210946 SB* 22 13 50.1526144464 +01 36 32.146407792   9.13 8.08     G8/K0Ib/II 39 0
56 HD 211594 SB* 22 18 14.9455545024 -05 50 29.853913416   9.21 8.07     G4IIIBa4 75 0
57 HD 216219 SB* 22 50 52.1530053936 +18 00 07.703208072   8.06 7.44     G1II-III:Fe-1CH0.5 120 0
58 * 56 Peg SB* 23 07 06.7418870416 +25 28 05.773861158 7.20 6.06 4.74 3.74 3.07 K0.5II:Ba1CN-2CH-0.5 263 0
59 HD 218396 El* 23 07 28.7157209544 +21 08 03.310767492   6.21 5.953     F0+VkA5mA5 1159 0
60 HD 221531 SB* 23 32 59.0181370178 -11 59 15.468643976   8.79 8.37     F5VSr 40 0
61 HD 224621 SB* 23 59 17.3099307864 -36 02 36.508989480   10.18 9.55     G0III/IV 31 0

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