
Query : 2023A&A...671A.139P

2023A&A...671A.139P - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 671A, 139 (2023/3-1)

High-mass eclipsing binaries: A testbed for models of interior structure and evolution Accurate fundamental properties and surface chemical composition for V1034 Sco, GL Car, V573 Car, and V346 Cen.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. The surface chemical compositions of stars are affected by physical processes that bring the products of thermonuclear burning to the surface. Despite their potential in helping us understand the structure and evolution of stars, elemental abundances are available for only a few high-mass binary stars. We aim to enlarge this sample by determining the physical properties and photospheric abundances for four eclipsing binary systems that contain high-mass stars: V1034 Sco, GL Car, V573 Car, and V346 Cen. The components have masses of 8-17 M, have effective temperatures from 22 500 to 32 200 K, and are all on the main sequence.
Methods. We present new high-resolution and high signal-to-noise spectroscopy from the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS), which we analysed using spectral disentangling and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium spectral synthesis. We modelled existing light curves and new photometry from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).
Results. We measure the stellar masses to a 0.6-2.0% precision, radii to a 0.8-1.7% precision, effective temperatures to a 1.1-1.6% precision, and abundances of C, N, O, Mg, and Si. The abundances are similar to those found in our previous studies of high-mass eclipsing binaries; our sample now comprises 25 high-mass stars in 13 binary systems. We also find tidally excited pulsations in V346 Cen.
Conclusions. These results reinforce our previous conclusions: interior chemical element transport is not as efficient in binary star components as in their single-star counterparts in the same mass regime and evolutionary stage, possibly due to the effects of tidal forces. Our ultimate goal is to provide a larger sample of OB-type stars in binaries to enable a thorough comparison to stellar evolutionary models, as well as to single high-mass stars.

Abstract Copyright: © The Authors 2023

Journal keyword(s): stars: fundamental parameters - stars: evolution - binaries: spectroscopic - binaries: eclipsing - stars: abundances

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/671/A139): table1.dat tablea1.dat>

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Number of rows : 38
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 V* V621 Per EB* 02 22 09.7108878600 +57 07 02.305907292 9.14 9.68 9.4000   7.9369 B1.5I 75 0
2 NAME Magellanic Clouds GrG 03 00 -71.0           ~ 7196 0
3 NAME 30 Dor Nebula SFR 05 38 36.0 -69 05 11           ~ 1199 2
4 V* V578 Mon Y*O 06 32 00.6076651296 +04 52 40.886334120 8.01 8.72 8.55 8.09 8.28 B0V+B1V 116 0
5 NAME Car Arm PoG 10 00 -60.0           ~ 443 1
6 NGC 3293 OpC 10 35 52.8 -58 13 52           ~ 314 0
7 Ass Car OB 1 As* 10 38 -59.0           ~ 162 0
8 Cl Trumpler 14 OpC 10 43 56.6 -59 33 11   5.70 5.5     ~ 514 0
9 Cl Trumpler 15 OpC 10 44 42.5 -59 22 08           ~ 216 0
10 Cl Trumpler 16 OpC 10 45 00.7 -59 42 00           ~ 490 0
11 NGC 3372 HII 10 45 02.23 -59 41 59.8           ~ 1022 2
12 * eta Car Em* 10 45 03.545808 -59 41 03.95124 6.37 7.03 6.48 6.123 4.41 LBV 2459 0
13 CPD-59 2628 SB* 10 45 08.2244134080 -59 40 49.413975060 8.791 9.571 9.460 9.87 9.219 O9.5V(n)+B0.5V(n) 83 0
14 Ass Car OB 2 As* 11 08 -60.2           ~ 82 0
15 NGC 3572 OpC 11 10 33.6 -60 17 38           ~ 90 0
16 NGC 3572A Cl* 11 11 -60.3           ~ 3 0
17 Cl Collinder 240 OpC 11 11 40.00 -60 18 35.0   4.23 3.9     ~ 28 0
18 V* GL Car EB* 11 14 39.8366304912 -60 39 36.364706856 9.09 10.02 9.74 9.86   B3:V 88 0
19 V* V537 Car LP* 11 18 43.7393989032 -58 11 11.086348992   8.03 6.70     M6III 27 0
20 V* V346 Cen EB* 11 42 49.6742604288 -62 26 05.401617756 7.64 9.58 9.57 9.28 8.471 B1/3II/III 95 0
21 Cl Stock 14 OpC 11 43 42 -62 32.2   6.33 6.3     ~ 80 0
22 * alf Vir bC* 13 25 11.57937 -11 09 40.7501 -0.20 0.74 0.97 1.06 1.30 B1V 859 1
23 * sig Sco bC* 16 21 11.3157134 -25 35 34.051476 2.32 3.02 2.89 1.69 1.58 B1III+B1:V 872 0
24 NAME Sco OB 1 As* 16 53.5 -41 57           ~ 218 0
25 HD 152219 SB* 16 53 55.6078109256 -41 52 51.496403268 6.950 7.705 7.569   7.267 O9.5III(n) 109 0
26 HD 152218 Y*O 16 53 59.9905195488 -41 42 52.817214240 7.02 7.78 7.570   7.243 O9IV+B0:V: 152 0
27 HD 152248 Y*O 16 54 10.0618206816 -41 49 30.139291596 5.56 6.15 6.088     O7Iabf+O7Ib(f) 262 0
28 NGC 6231 OpC 16 54 10.8 -41 48 43           ~ 542 0
29 CD-41 11042 Y*O 16 54 19.8364084848 -41 50 09.378605616 7.733 9.02 8.80 9.23 7.859 O9.5IV 103 0
30 NGC 6321 AG? 17 14 24.2238292464 +20 18 50.242387212   14.5       ~ 28 0
31 V* V380 Cyg SB* 19 50 37.3267754400 +40 35 59.135141652 4.86 5.613 5.680     B1.1III+B2.5/3V: 293 0
32 V* V453 Cyg SB* 20 06 34.9661707872 +35 44 26.269865844 7.83 8.52 8.40     B0.4IV+B0.7IV 208 0
33 V* V478 Cyg SB* 20 19 38.7476920032 +38 20 09.195280836   9.16 8.767     B0Vp 191 0
34 V* Y Cyg SB* 20 52 03.5771840640 +34 39 27.486121104 6.31 7.23 7.32     O9.5IV+O9.5IV 372 0
35 HD 215835 SB* 22 46 54.1107754872 +58 05 03.533752788 8.24 8.85 8.629   8.049 O5.5V((f))+O6V((f)) 254 0
36 V* AH Cep SB* 22 47 52.9412851944 +65 03 43.795145556 6.53 7.10 6.88     B0.2V+B2V 219 0
37 HD 218066 Be* 23 04 02.2270838832 +63 23 48.722060508 7.50 7.97 7.6     B1.5Vn 286 0
38 NAME Car-Vel Region reg ~ ~           ~ 17 0

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