
Query : 2023A&A...671A.148M

2023A&A...671A.148M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 671A, 148 (2023/3-1)

Identification of late-type Class I stars using Gaia DR3 Apsis parameters.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. We examined the Gaia DR3 GSP-Phot and GSP-Spec parameters of known K- and M-type stars of Class I luminosity to make a comparison with the parameters collected from the literature to assess their accuracy and their potential in setting stellar classifications of intrinsically bright late-types that have been unknown thus far. Gaia DR3 GSP-Phot and GSP-Spec parameters were generated by the astrophysical parameters inference software (Apsis).
Methods. In the Gaia DR3 catalog, there are about 40,000 entries with Apsis parameters that are similar to those of known red supergiants (RSGs), good parallaxes, and infrared 2MASS and WISE data. In using parallactic distances, infrared photometry, and variability information, only 203 new entries were found with luminosities and temperatures similar to that of known RSGs and G-band amplitudes smaller than 0.5 mag. Their low-resolution BP/RP spectra were compared with an empirically built spectral library of BP/RP spectra of known bright late-type stars, including C-rich, S-type, O-rich asymptotic giant branch stars (AGBs) and RSGs, to obtain their spectral types.
Results. Among them, 15 S-type stars were identified based on peculiar absorption features attributed to ZrO and LaO visible in their BP/RP spectra, along with 1 S/C star and 9 C-rich stars by their strong CN absorption bands. K- and M-types can be reproduced with an accuracy of two subtypes. In addition, 20 new RSGs have been confirmed, of which 6 have bolometric magnitudes that are brighter than those of the AGB limit: 2MASS J21015501+4517205, 2MASS J16291280-4956384, 2MASS J10192621-5818105, 2MASS J20230860+3651450, 2MASS J17084131-4026595, and 2MASS J16490055-4217328. The flag for C-rich stars of the Gaia DR3 LPV pipeline is erroneously positive for some RSGs and, thus, a visual inspection of the BP/RP spectra is mandatory.

Abstract Copyright: © The Authors 2023

Journal keyword(s): stars: evolution - supergiants - stars: massive - techniques: spectroscopic - stars: late-type - Galaxy: stellar content

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Number of rows : 66
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 V* X And S* 00 16 09.5930847264 +47 00 44.476093440       7.83   S2.5-5/6-7e 51 0
2 BD+61 219 s*r 01 10 20.1315989112 +62 30 39.907494036   11.55 9.46     M2Iab 21 0
3 EM* GGR 210 S* 01 22 04.0927587144 +66 50 12.458096700   12.5       S 22 0
4 V* V912 Cas C* 01 40 08.3097600600 +64 51 50.325082164           C 10 0
5 HD 12014 s*r 01 59 50.8903253184 +59 09 39.036466764   9.77 7.79     K1Iab 29 0
6 IRC +60091 s*r 02 27 23.9883675216 +60 40 47.802663588   15.11 11.64 10.57   M1Ib 44 2
7 V* W Per s*r 02 50 37.8929743824 +56 59 00.287654892 14.80 12.24 9.62 6.99 4.75 M3Iab-M5I 115 0
8 LEE 257 C* 03 16 40.8813080472 +58 23 53.309891976   16.28 11.93 10.95   C5,3 16 0
9 NAME Per Arm PoG 03 30 +45.0           ~ 1534 0
10 IRAS 03381+5347 LP* 03 41 56.0954818488 +53 57 10.982844072   17.02 14.24 13.47   M4Ib-II 6 0
11 NIKC 3-55 C* 04 35 27.1531223688 +52 56 40.063220232     13.8     C 7 0
12 V* S Aur C* 05 27 07.4585545416 +34 08 58.849073880   13.48 8.20 9.61   C-N5+ 130 0
13 IRAS 05437+2451 s?r 05 46 52.8064035600 +24 52 21.976609044           M2/3 3 0
14 V* V776 Mon C* 05 59 07.2892825536 -10 52 38.291259828   11.96 9.22     C 24 0
15 V* KR Cam S* 06 04 01.9981377912 +59 32 18.949003368           S! 12 0
16 [M67b] +23 666 s*r 06 09 01.3417950456 +23 52 22.757777940   11.51 10.39     K2Ib 6 0
17 BD+18 1259 LP* 06 33 32.9439328560 +18 29 34.544404248   11.6 9.7     M3 5 0
18 S1* 205 S* 07 06 06.4904361936 -00 52 39.599777496           M3S 11 0
19 WRAY 18-14 S* 07 27 01.1894667792 -31 31 37.133720760     13.00     S 13 0
20 S1* 243 S* 07 33 22.9942881336 -25 28 47.373629844           S 8 0
21 IRAS 07312-1344 s?r 07 33 31.6881855121 -13 51 08.890008773     9.5     M2/3 4 0
22 BM IV 15 C* 07 34 06.4531239048 -19 46 56.124857100       12.87   C 12 0
23 BM VII 1 S* 07 36 44.0542734432 -23 40 42.823308504     13.3     S/6- 18 0
24 C* 974 LP* 07 59 04.6974184872 -16 07 16.692545352       11.57   ~ 8 0
25 MC79 1-66 S* 08 28 20.9315350320 -48 08 03.874643736   13.465 11.284     S2*2 8 0
26 CD-31 6531 s?r 08 46 51.3254092368 -31 44 49.094157768   11.48 9.52     K3 1 0
27 IRAS 09090-4746 S*? 09 10 44.4117365280 -47 58 22.244885184       14.49 10.57 S? 2 0
28 IRAS 10176-5802 s*r 10 19 26.1930328272 -58 18 10.475194104       11.14   M2I 7 0
29 WRAY 18-204 S* 10 32 22.3253207880 -67 23 16.255188708   13.17 11.10 10.644   S6,8 15 1
30 2MASS J12132666-6252136 s?r 12 13 26.6677526144 -62 52 13.592394818           M2 2 0
31 NAME Crux-Scutum Spiral Arm reg 12 30 -60.0           ~ 307 0
32 CD-61 3575 Sy* 12 44 16.1485186896 -61 56 21.185840436   11.93 9.86     M2Iaep+B 15 0
33 [W61c] R 53 s*r 12 59 22.3786383528 -61 16 46.458932664   12.09 9.74     M3.8Iab 12 0
34 [W61c] R 82 C* 13 05 19.4204410896 -61 51 55.888722072     15.0     C 8 0
35 V* V1172 Cen s*r 13 21 37.5779677512 -61 34 14.924656596   10.62 8.47     K4.5Iab-Ib 16 0
36 IRAS 13198-6311 s?r 13 23 12.6922371936 -63 26 44.707609212   12.77 10.82     M3 1 0
37 NAME Car-Sgr Arm PoG 15 00 -40.0           ~ 522 1
38 IRAS 14599-5941 LP? 15 03 54.7943030424 -59 53 24.576275220   14.77 11.94 11.14   M3.2Ib-II 3 0
39 IRAS 16254-4950 s*r 16 29 12.7908275064 -49 56 38.464872468           M3.5I 6 0
40 HD 148820 s?r 16 31 00.7550702808 -08 10 20.011396620   10.87 9.01     M2 4 0
41 WRAY 18-300 S* 16 43 43.7313599352 -55 48 32.948663292   13.07 11.10     S7,7 10 0
42 IRAS 16454-4212 s*r 16 49 00.5495463312 -42 17 32.969841216           M2I 2 0
43 IRAS 16532-4336 s?r 16 56 51.5032912152 -43 41 21.190659612           M3 4 0
44 IRAS 17051-4023 s*r 17 08 41.3002813896 -40 26 59.480167524           M3.5I 5 0
45 NAME Galactic Center reg 17 45 39.60213 -29 00 22.0000           ~ 14704 0
46 V* V777 Sgr s*r 17 46 25.3911281760 -26 12 01.119237624   10.27 8.63     K5Ib+A: 31 0
47 V* KW Sgr s*r 17 52 00.7269495408 -28 01 20.555654448   11.45 11.00     M3Ia 90 0
48 CD-23 13733 s?r 17 59 52.2898441632 -23 30 57.367873764   11.81 9.60     M3I: 12 0
49 CD-24 13990 s?r 18 10 14.6959821432 -24 00 21.152330136   12.84 10.15     M2 8 0
50 BD-21 4897 s?r 18 12 20.7023385888 -21 06 30.857925168 13.38 12.17 9.78 7.07 5.01 M1 28 1
51 2MASS J18174160-1356280 AB* 18 17 41.6007437568 -13 56 28.127879880           M7III: 6 0
52 IRAS 18346+0302 s?r 18 37 07.2570130560 +03 05 12.262571304   13.09 11.33     M2 1 0
53 4U 1954+31 HXB 19 55 42.3383143920 +32 05 49.046285472   12.02 9.97     M4/5III 126 0
54 EM* AS 381 s*b 20 06 39.9312728592 +33 14 28.088830464       13.613   B1[e]+K? 27 0
55 CSS2 53 S* 20 19 17.2694448960 +33 44 26.689622208           S 10 0
56 [ABC90] cya 86 C* 20 22 01.5760207272 +36 34 55.805367360           C 2 0
57 IRC +40413 s*r 20 23 08.6059517568 +36 51 44.955177588           M4I 10 0
58 V* V1976 Cyg S* 20 47 43.3785997536 +34 19 03.266164056     13.0     S 13 0
59 NSV 25390 S* 20 53 54.1220511960 +44 49 04.213235280       13.265   S 5 0
60 IRAS 20541+4714 LP* 20 55 51.2454615576 +47 26 19.640337324           M2 2 0
61 MSX6C G086.5890-00.7718 s*r 21 01 55.0257771216 +45 17 20.758647552   12.85 10.87     M3I 5 0
62 MSX5C G087.6435-00.6501 s?r 21 05 25.3773778224 +46 09 19.409525244   12.81 10.68     M1 4 0
63 V* V575 Cyg S* 21 09 19.2664454712 +46 10 27.371842392     13.00 11.00   S 21 0
64 Case 238 C* 21 55 44.9364043872 +57 39 21.447640044           N 9 0
65 BD+56 2732 s*r 22 12 32.8319298816 +57 17 03.570403920   12.32 10.25     M2Iab 14 0
66 Case 678 C* 22 53 15.2189520504 +53 43 18.896224476       12.44   C 9 0

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