
Query : 2023A&A...680A..91K

2023A&A...680A..91K - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 680A, 91 (2023/12-1)

Back to the present: A general treatment for the tidal field from the wake of dynamical friction.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Dynamical friction can be a valuable tool for inferring dark matter properties that are difficult to constrain by other methods. Most applications of dynamical friction calculations are concerned with the long-term angular momentum loss and orbital decay of the perturber within its host. This, however, assumes knowledge of the unknown initial conditions of the system.
Aims. We advance an alternative methodology to infer the host properties from the perturber's shape distortions induced by the tides of the wake of dynamical friction, which we refer to as the tidal dynamical friction.
Methods. As the shape distortions rely on the tidal field that has a predominantly local origin, we present a strategy to find the local wake by integrating the stellar orbits back in time along with the perturber, then removing the perturber's potential and re-integrating them back to the present. This provides perturbed and unperturbed coordinates and hence a change in coordinates, density, and acceleration fields, which yields the back-reaction experienced by the perturber.
Results. The method successfully recovers the tidal field of the wake based on a comparison with N-body simulations. We show that similar to the tidal field itself, the noise and randomness of the dynamical friction force due to the finite number of stars is also dominated by regions close to the perturber. Stars near the perturber influence it more but are smaller in number, causing a high variance in the acceleration field. These fluctuations are intrinsic to dynamical friction. We show that a stellar density of 0.0014 M kpc–3 yields an inherent variance of 10% to the dynamical friction.
Conclusions. The current method extends the family of dynamical friction methods that allow for the inference of host properties from tidal forces of the wake. It can be applied to specific galaxies, such as Magellanic Clouds, with Gaia data.

Abstract Copyright: © The Authors 2023

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: kinematics and dynamics - dark matter - methods: miscellaneous

Simbad objects: 4

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Number of rows : 4
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME SMC G 00 52 38.0 -72 48 01   2.79 2.2     ~ 11311 1
2 NAME Magellanic Clouds GrG 03 00 -71.0           ~ 7196 0
3 NAME LMC G 05 23 34.6 -69 45 22     0.4     ~ 17683 0
4 NAME Galactic Center reg 17 45 39.60213 -29 00 22.0000           ~ 14704 0

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