SIMBAD references

1996ApJ...462..651L - Astrophys. J., 462, 651-671 (1996/May-1)

Ionized gas in the halos of edge-on starburst galaxies: evidence for supernova-driven superwinds.


Abstract (from CDS):

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxies: Halos - Galaxies: Starburst - Galaxies: ISM - Infrared: Galaxies - Shock Waves - Stars: Supernovae: General

CDS comments: Table 6: IR 0335+15 = IRAS 03359+1523, IR 0433-25 = ESO 484-36, IR 0437-24 = IRAS 04370-2416, IR 0545-21 = IRAS 05447-2114, IR 0914+09 = IRAS 09143+0939; MCG+01-42-088 is a misprint for MCG+01-42-008

Simbad objects: 47

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