SIMBAD references

1999MNRAS.302..714N - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 302, 714-722 (1999/February-1)

ROSAT observations of Cepheus OB3: the discovey of low-mass stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present X-ray images of the high-mass star-forming region Cepheus OB3, in which we discover over 50 point sources, the majority of which are T Tauri stars. We use the ratio of high-mass to low-mass stars to constrain the initial mass function, and find that it is consistent with that for field stars. This supports the picture that there is little difference between high-mass and low-mass star-forming regions. The presence of low-mass stars between the high-mass stars and the molecular cloud they are ionizing argues against mechanisms whereby heating of the cloud inhibits low-mass star formation. Finally, the efficiency of star formation in this region is shown to be of the order of a few per cent.

Abstract Copyright: 1999, Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): stars: formation - stars: luminosity function, mass function - stars: pre - open clusters and associations: general - open clusters and associations: individual: Cepheus OB3 - X-rays: stars

Nomenclature: Table 2: [NF99] NN (Nos 1-56).

Simbad objects: 61

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