SIMBAD references

1999MNRAS.309..533B - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 309, 533-542 (1999/October-3)

Abundances of metal-weak thick-disc candidates.


Abstract (from CDS):

High-resolution spectra of five candidate metal-weak thick-disc stars suggested by Beers & Sommer-Larsen are analysed to determine their chemical abundances. The low abundance of all the objects has been confirmed, with metallicity reaching [Fe/H]=-2.9. However, for three objects the astrometric data from the Hipparcos catalogue suggest they are true halo members. The remaining two, for which proper-motion data are not available, may have disc-like kinematics. It is therefore clear that it is useful to address properties of putative metal-weak thick-disc stars only if they possess full kinematic data. For CS 22894-19 an abundance pattern similar to those of typical halo stars is found, suggesting that chemical composition is not a useful discriminant between thick-disc and halo stars. CS 29529-12 is found to be C-enhanced with [C/Fe]=+1.0; other chemical peculiarities involve the s-process elements: [Sr/Fe]=-0.65 and [Ba/Fe]=+0.62, leading to a high [Ba/Sr], considerably larger than that found in more metal-rich carbon-rich stars, but similar to those in LP 706-7 and LP 625-44, discussed by Norris et al. Hipparcos data have been used to calculate the space velocities of 25 candidate metal-weak thick-disc stars, thus allowing us to identify three bona fide members, which support the existence of a metal-poor tail of the thick disc, at variance with a claim to the contrary by Ryan & Lambert.

Abstract Copyright: 1999, Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): stars: abundances - stars: fundamental parameters - stars: Population II - Galaxy: halo

Simbad objects: 33

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