SIMBAD references

2000ApJ...544..686L - Astrophys. J., 544, 686-701 (2000/December-1)

A powerful radio halo in the hottest known cluster of galaxies 1E 0657-56.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report the detection of a diffuse radio halo source in the hottest known cluster of galaxies 1E 0657-56 (RX J0658-5557). The radio halo has a morphology similar to the X-ray emission from the hot intracluster medium. The presence of a luminous radio halo in such a hot cluster is further evidence for a steep correlation between the radio halo power and the X-ray temperature. We favor models for the origin of radio halo sources involving a direct connection between the X-ray emitting thermal particles and the radio emitting relativistic particles.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Cosmology: Cosmic Microwave Background - galaxies: clusters: individual (1E 0657-56 = RX J0658-5557) - Galaxies: Intergalactic Medium - Radio Continuum: General - Techniques: Interferometric - X-Rays: General

Nomenclature: Fig.4, Table 2: [LHB2000] A (Nos A-H).

CDS comments: p. 688: Calibrator PKS B0742-56 not identified. Regions 1-3 used for flux density estimates not in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 17

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