SIMBAD references

2003A&A...412..241C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 412, 241-248 (2003/12-2)

The limb-darkening for spherically symmetric NextGen model atmospheres: A-G main-sequence and sub-giant stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

We compute passband-integrated specific intensities for spherically symmetric models generated with the PHOENIX code. The models cover the range 5000K≤Teff≤10000K with surface gravities between 3.5 and 5.5, in steps of 0.5. The adopted mixing-length parameter is 2.0 pressure scale heights, while the microturbulent velocity is 2.0km/s. The calculations were carried out for four photometric systems: Stroemgren, Johnson, Geneva and Walraven, completing 24 filters. The series introduced by Claret (2000A&A...363.1081C) and a new bi-parametric (exponential) law are shown to be able to describe the intensity distribution of spherical models with acceptable σ. Simple limb-darkening laws do not produce accurate fits to the computed radiation fields. On the other hand, the concept of ``quasi'' spherical models is introduced and we present the corresponding limb-darkening coefficients for the most commonly adopted limb-darkening laws for the same filters.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: atmospheres - stars: binaries: eclipsing

Simbad objects: 0

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