SIMBAD references

2003ApJ...582..449J - Astrophys. J., 582, 449-454 (2003/January-1)

On the fate of close-in extrasolar planets.

JIANG I.-G., IP W.-H. and YEH L.-C.

Abstract (from CDS):

It has been shown from the current observational data that there is a possible mass-period correlation for extrasolar planets, and this correlation is, in fact, related to the absence of massive close-in planets, which are strongly influenced by tidal interaction with the central star. We confirm that the model in Pätzold & Rauer is a good approximation for the explanation of the absence of massive close-in planets. We thus further determine the minimum possible semimajor axis for these planets to be detected during their lifetime and also study their migration timescale at different semimajor axes by the calculations of tidal interaction. We conclude that the mass-period correlation at the time when these planets were just formed was less tight than it is now observed if these orbital migrations are taken into account.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Celestial Mechanics - Stars: Planetary Systems - Solar System: Formation - Solar System: General - Stellar Dynamics

Simbad objects: 4

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