SIMBAD references

2003ApJ...593..941Y - Astrophys. J., 593, 941-945 (2003/August-3)

Cosmological X-ray flashes in the off-axis jet model.


Abstract (from CDS):

The <V/Vmax> of the cosmological X-ray flashes detected by the Wide Field Cameras on BeppoSAX is calculated theoretically in a simple jet model. The total emission energy from the jet is assumed to be constant. We find that if the jet opening half-angle is smaller than 0.03 radian, the theoretical <V/Vmax> for fixed opening half-angle is less than ∼0.4, which is consistent with the recently reported observational value of 0.27±0.16 at the 1σ level. This suggests that the off-axis gamma-ray burst jet with the small opening half-angle at the cosmological distance can be identified as the cosmological X-ray flash.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Gamma Rays: Bursts - Gamma Rays: Theory

Simbad objects: 4

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