SIMBAD references

2005MNRAS.361L..15M - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 361, L15-L19 (2005/July-3)

Gl86B: a white dwarf orbits an exoplanet host star.


Abstract (from CDS):

In this Letter we present our first high-contrast observations of the exoplanet host star Gl86 using NAOS-CONICA (NACO) and its new Simultaneous Differential Imager (SDI) as well as results from NACO spectroscopy. Els et al. found a faint comoving companion located only ∼2 arcsec east of the exoplanet host star Gl86A. Our high-contrast SDI observations rule out additional stellar companions from 1 au up to 23 au, and are sensitive for faint T-dwarf companions down to 35 MJup. We present evidence for orbital motion of Gl86B around the exoplanet host star Gl86A, which finally confirms that this is a bound binary system. With the given photometry from Els et al. and the NACO spectroscopy obtained, we prove that the companion Gl86B is a cool white dwarf with an effective temperature of 5000±500 K. This is the first confirmed white dwarf companion to an exoplanet host star and the first observational confirmation that planets survive the post-main-sequence evolution (giant phase and planetary nebula) of a star from which they are separated by only one to two dozen astronomical units, as expected from theory.

Abstract Copyright: 2005 RAS

Journal keyword(s): binaries: visual - stars: individual: Gl 86 - planetary systems - white dwarfs

Simbad objects: 8

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