SIMBAD references

2006IAUC.8700....4N - IAU Circ., 8700, 4 (2006/April-0)

Supernova 2006bp in NGC 3953.


Abstract (from CDS):

S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan, reports the discovery by K. Itagaki (Teppo-cho, Yamagata, Japan) of an apparent supernova (mag 16.7) on unfiltered 20-s CCD exposures taken around Apr. 9.60 UT (limiting mag 19.5) using a 0.60-m f/5.7 reflector. The new object has continued to brighten rapidly, as indicated by Itagaki's additional magnitudes: Apr. 9.6136, 16.7; 9.6689, 16.4; 9.7383, 16.0; 9.7835, 15.8. SN 2006bp is located at R.A. = 11h53m55s.74, Decl. = +52o21'09".4 (equinox 2000.0), which is 62" east and 93" north of the center of NGC 3953. Nothing was visible at this location on Itagaki's images taken on 2005 Mar. 19 and 2006 Mar. 23 (limiting mag 19.0).

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