SIMBAD references

2007ApJ...660.1451K - Astrophys. J., 660, 1451-1461 (2007/May-2)

The lowest mass white dwarf.


Abstract (from CDS):

Extremely low mass white dwarfs are very rare objects likely formed in compact binary systems. We present MMT optical spectroscopy of 42 low-mass white dwarf candidates serendipitously discovered in a survey for hypervelocity B-type stars. One of these objects, SDSS J0917+46, has Teff=11,288±72 K and logg=5.48±0.03; with an estimated mass of 0.17 M, it is the lowest gravity/mass white dwarf currently known. However, 40 of the low-mass candidates are normal DA white dwarfs with apparently inaccurate SDSS g magnitudes. We revisit the identification of low-mass white dwarf candidates previously found in the SDSS and conclude that four objects have M<0.2 M. None of these white dwarfs show excess emission from a binary companion, and radial velocity searches will be necessary to constrain the nature of the unseen companions.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Low-Mass, Brown Dwarfs - Stars: White Dwarfs

Nomenclature: Table 1: [KAB2007] Cand NNN N=42 among (Nos 17-487).

Simbad objects: 65

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