SIMBAD references

2007PASP..119.1108Z - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 119, 1108-1113 (2007/October-0)

Does submillisecond pulsar XTE J1739-285 contain a weak magnetic neutron star or quark star?


Abstract (from CDS):

The possible detection of the fastest spinning nuclear-powered pulsar XTE J1739-285, of frequency 1122 Hz (0.8913 ms), arouses us to constrain the mass and radius of its central compact object and to infer the stellar matter composition: neutrons or quarks. Spun up by the accreting materials to such a high rotating speed, the compact star should have either a small radius or short innermost stable circular orbit. By the empirical relation between the upper kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillation frequency and star spin frequency, a strong constraint on mass and radius is obtained of 1.51 M and 10.9 km, respectively, which excludes most equations of state (EOSs) of normal neutrons and strongly hints the star promisingly to be a strange quark star. Furthermore, the star magnetic field is estimated to be about 4x107 G<B<109 G, which reconciles with those of millisecond radio pulsars, revealing the clues of the evolution linkage of two types of astrophysical objects.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars

Simbad objects: 14

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