
Query : 2008RMxAC..33..148D

2008RMxAC..33..148D - Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis. Serie de Conf., 33, 148-153 (2008)

Supernova remnants: a link between massive stars and the surrounding medium.


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Number of rows : 17
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 SNR G130.7+03.1 SNR 02 05 37.0 +64 49 42           ~ 624 4
2 SN 1999em SN* 04 41 27.04 -02 51 45.2   13.79 13.7     SNIIP 682 1
3 NAME LMC G 05 23 34.6 -69 45 22     0.4     ~ 17611 0
4 M 1 SNR 05 34 30.9 +22 00 53           ~ 6229 1
5 SN 1987A SN* 05 35 28.020 -69 16 11.07           SNIIpec 4966 2
6 NAME 30 Dor Nebula SFR 05 38 36.0 -69 05 11           ~ 1196 2
7 IC 443 SNR 06 17 00.0000000 +22 34 11.998901           ~ 1247 1
8 2MASS J07371703+6535579 HXB 07 37 17.0432126424 +65 35 57.826001220           SNIIP 285 1
9 NAME Pup A SNR 08 24 07 -42 59.8           ~ 605 1
10 SN 1993J SN* 09 55 24.77476 +69 01 13.7026   10.8 12.0     SNIIb 1425 1
11 SNR G292.0+01.8 SNR 11 24 59 -59 19.1           ~ 329 1
12 PSR B1509-58 Psr 15 13 55.52 -59 08 08.8     13.06     ~ 847 1
13 NAME Upper Sco-Cen As* 16 15 -24.2           ~ 1344 1
14 SNR G347.3-00.5 SNR 17 12 27 -39 41.2     12.27     ~ 729 1
15 M 16 OpC 18 18 45.1 -13 47 31           ~ 1034 1
16 SNR G034.6-00.5 SNR 18 56 10.650 +01 13 21.30           ~ 971 2
17 NAME Cas A SNR 23 23 24.000 +58 48 54.00     14.30     ~ 2817 1

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