
Query : 2008RMxAC..33..163K

2008RMxAC..33..163K - Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis. Serie de Conf., 33, 163 (2008)

The distance and neutral environment of the massive stellar cluster Westerlund 1.


Journal keyword(s):

CDS comments: See also 2007A&A...468..993K

Simbad objects: 20

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Number of rows : 20
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Crux-Scutum Spiral Arm reg 12 30 -60.0           ~ 307 0
2 NAME Nor Arm PoG 16 00 -50.0           ~ 437 0
3 SNR G337.8-00.1 SNR 16 39.0 -46 59           ~ 78 0
4 CTB 34 Rad 16 40.5 -46 42           ~ 6 0
5 GAL 338.4+00.1 HII 16 40 49.2 -46 24 05           ~ 19 0
6 SNR G338.5+00.1 SNR 16 41 09 -46 19.0           ~ 46 0
7 GAL 337.95-00.48 HII 16 41 09 -47 07.4           ~ 11 0
8 GAL 338.41-00.24 HII 16 41 55 -46 35.2           ~ 7 0
9 GAL 338.9-00.1 HH 16 43.2 -46 09           ~ 5 0
10 [ABB2014] WISE G338.934-00.067 HII 16 43 17 -46 05.9           ~ 10 0
11 GAL 339.84+00.27 HII 16 45 06 -45 10.2           ~ 8 0
12 AJG 54 HII 16 45 18.0 -46 09 11           ~ 31 1
13 GAL 339.58-00.12 HII 16 45 56.8 -45 38 55           ~ 11 0
14 Cl Westerlund 1 Cl* 16 47 02.4 -45 51 07           ~ 577 0
15 GRS G340.60 +00.30 Rad 16 47 06 -44 29.5           ~ 10 0
16 SNR G340.6+00.3 SNR 16 47.7 -44 34           ~ 37 0
17 [R2003] 446 ? 16 48.6 -45 13           ~ 5 0
18 NAME Galactic Center reg 17 45 39.60213 -29 00 22.0000           ~ 14618 0
19 NAME Sgr Arm PoG 19 00 -30.0           ~ 641 1
20 NAME Local Arm reg ~ ~           ~ 546 0

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