
Query : 2008RMxAC..33..168V

2008RMxAC..33..168V - Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis. Serie de Conf., 33, 168 (2008)

MSX images of stellar wind bubbles.


Journal keyword(s):

Simbad objects: 7

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Number of rows : 7
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 WR 19a WR* 10 18 53.3908707768 -58 07 52.973160852     14.2     WN7 14 0
2 V* V712 Car EB* 10 23 58.0126366512 -57 45 48.937268268 15.466 15.473 13.5 12.6   O3If*/WN6+O3If*/WN6 173 0
3 Cl Westerlund 2 OpC 10 23 58.1 -57 45 49           ~ 365 0
4 GUM 29 HII 10 24 14.6 -57 46 58           ~ 210 0
5 WR 20b WR* 10 24 18.3978418584 -57 48 29.776921704     13.7 12.0   WN6ha 58 0
6 SNR G030.8-00.0 SNR 18 47 32 -01 56.5           ~ 537 0
7 2MASS J18473666-0156334 ** 18 47 36.670 -01 56 33.46           WN7 28 0

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