SIMBAD references

2009MNRAS.398.1368R - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 398, 1368-1382 (2009/September-3)

SOAR-OSIRIS observations of the Sh 2-307 HII region: triggered star formation beyond the solar circle.


Abstract (from CDS):

This work aims to study the Sh 2-307 Hii region and related stellar population. Near-infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations in the direction of Sh 2-307 were performed using the Ohio State InfraRed Imager/Spectrometer (OSIRIS) at the Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope. The photometric data were analysed from colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams, while the spectroscopic results were interpreted from the comparison of the science spectra with those obtained from known OB stars. From J-, H- and K-band spectra of the brightest source in the cluster, we conclude that it has a near-infrared spectrum compatible with those of O9V-O9.5V stars. Using the derived spectral type and the respective J-, H- and K-band photometry, we compute a heliocentric distance of 3.2±0.5kpc, which, for R0= 8kpc, puts this cluster at more than 10kpc from the Galactic Centre. From the Brγ, H2 and continuum narrow-band images we were able to detect both the near-infrared (NIR) counterpart of the associated Hii region and the interface between the ionized and cool molecular gas. Using the 5-GHz continuum flux density taken from the Parkes-MIT-NRAO (PMN) catalogue and the Brγ narrow-band image, we estimate that the Hii region has a mean diameter of 0.94±0.15pc, mean electron density of 550/cm3 and a dynamical age of 1.6x106yr. The large fraction of sources presenting excess emission at 2µm suggests that the stellar population is very young, with many sources still in the pre-main-sequence accreting phase. By the use of theoretical pre-main-sequence tracks we derived a cluster mean age of about 2.5Myr, and from the analyses of the fraction of excess emission sources as a function of their spatial distribution we found evidence for an age spread for the embedded pre-main-sequence stellar population. Finally, from the study of the spatial distribution of the low-mass sources relative to the main cluster source and associated photodissociation zones, we conclude that the O-type star has probably been triggering the star formation process in the region.

Abstract Copyright: © 2009 The Author. Journal compilation © 2009 RAS

Journal keyword(s): stars: pre-main-sequence - H ii regions - Galaxy: structure - infrared: stars

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/MNRAS/398/1368): table2.dat>

Nomenclature: Table 2: [R2009] NNN (Nos 1-179).

Simbad objects: 188

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