SIMBAD references

2011A&A...534A..48C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 534A, 48-48 (2011/10-1)

A search for near infrared counterparts of three pulsar wind nebulae.


Abstract (from CDS):

While pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) and their associated isolated pulsars are commonly detected at X-ray energies, they are much rarer at near infrared (nIR) and optical wavelengths. Here we examine three PWN systems in the Galactic plane - IGR J14003-6326, HESS J1632-478 and IGR J18490-0000 - in a bid to identify optical/nIR emission associated with either the extended PWNe or their previously detected X-ray point sources. We obtain optical/nIR images of the three fields with the ESO - New Technology Telescope and apply standard photometric and astrometric calibrations. We find no evidence of any extended emission associated with the PWNe in any of the fields; neither do we find any new counterparts to the X-ray point sources, except to confirm the magnitude of the previously identified counterpart candidate of IGR J18490-0000. Further observations are required to confirm the association of the nIR source to IGR J18490-0000 and to detect counterparts to IGR J14003-6326 and HESS J1632-478, while a more accurate X-ray position is required to reduce the probability of a chance superposition in the field of the latter.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): infrared: general - pulsars: general - X-rays: individual: IGR J14003-6326 - X-rays: individual: HESS J1632-478 - X-rays: individual: IGR J18490-0000

Simbad objects: 4

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