
Query : 2011ApJ...733....9O

2011ApJ...733....9O - Astrophys. J., 733, 9 (2011/May-3)

Physical conditions in Barnard's loop, components of the Orion-Eridanus Bubble, and implications for the warm ionized medium component of the interstellar medium.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have supplemented existing spectra of Barnard's Loop with high accuracy spectrophotometry of one new position. Cloudy photoionization models were calculated for a variety of ionization parameters and stellar temperatures and compared with the observations. After testing the procedure with recent observations of M43, we establish that Barnard's Loop is photoionized by four candidate ionizing stars, but agreement between the models and observations is only possible if Barnard's Loop is enhanced in heavy elements by about a factor of 1.4. Barnard's Loop is very similar in properties to the brightest components of the Orion-Eridanus Bubble and the warm ionized medium (WIM). We are able to establish models that bound the range populated in low-ionization color-color diagrams (I([S II])/I(Hα) versus I([N II])/I(Hα)) using only a limited range of ionization parameters and stellar temperatures. Previously established variations in the relative abundance of heavy elements render uncertain the most common method of determining electron temperatures for components of the Orion-Eridanus Bubble and the WIM based only on the I([N II])/I(Hα) ratio, although we confirm that the lowest surface brightness components of the WIM are on average of higher electron temperature. The electron temperatures for a few high surface brightness WIM components determined by direct methods are comparable to those of classical bright H II regions. In contrast, the low surface brightness H II regions studied by the Wisconsin Hα Mapper are of lower temperatures than the classical bright H II regions.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: abundances - ISM: individual (Barnard's Loop, Orion-Eridanus Bubble, M43)

Simbad objects: 25

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Number of rows : 25
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 BD+12 237 * 01 49 09.4876255128 +13 33 11.799646344   10.38 10.19     sdA0IVHe1 85 0
2 NAME Eri Bubble HI 03 52 -02.0           ~ 125 0
3 * alf Cam s*b 04 54 03.0113886719 +66 20 33.633625509 3.47 4.34 4.29 4.18 4.18 O9Ia 661 1
4 NAME Barnard's Loop HII 05 27.5 -03 58           ~ 125 1
5 * del Ori SB* 05 32 00.40009 -00 17 56.7424 0.96 2.02 2.41 2.32 2.54 O9.5IINwk 780 0
6 NAME Ori Sword Cl* 05 35 10 -05 12.0           ~ 12 0
7 * tet01 Ori C SB* 05 35 16.4662967280 -05 23 22.921811880 4.20 5.15 5.13 4.91 4.73 O7Vp 1413 1
8 NAME Ori Trapezium OpC 05 35 16.5 -05 23 14           ~ 1632 1
9 M 42 HII 05 35 17 -05 23.4           ~ 4105 0
10 * tet02 Ori A SB* 05 35 22.9012398264 -05 24 57.832632108 5.37 6.30 6.39 6.30 6.35 O9.5IVp 549 0
11 * iot Ori SB* 05 35 25.9819073 -05 54 35.643537 1.45 2.53 2.77     O9IIIvar 776 0
12 M 43 HII 05 35 31 -05 16.2           ~ 189 0
13 HD 37061 Or* 05 35 31.3649044920 -05 16 02.582064192 6.44 7.09 6.83     O9.5V 358 0
14 * eps Ori s*b 05 36 12.81335 -01 12 06.9089 0.48 1.51 1.69 1.76 1.93 B0Ia 899 0
15 * sig Ori Y*O 05 38 44.7653828520 -02 36 00.283179888 2.54 3.58 3.79 3.87 4.11 O9.5V+B0.2V(n) 807 0
16 * zet Ori ** 05 40 45.52666 -01 56 33.2649 0.50 1.56 1.77 1.85 2.05 O9.7Ib+B0III 360 0
17 NGC 2467 OpC 07 52 18 -26 25.7           ~ 186 1
18 NGC 3576 HII 11 11 49.8 -61 18 14           ~ 238 2
19 NGC 3603 OpC 11 15 10.8 -61 15 32           ~ 1075 1
20 * zet Oph Be* 16 37 09.5400587698 -10 34 01.509742704 1.73 2.58 2.56 2.46 2.50 O9.2IVnn 1845 0
21 M 20 OpC 18 02 42 -22 58.3           ~ 435 1
22 M 8 OpC 18 03 37 -24 23.2           ~ 616 1
23 M 16 OpC 18 18 45.1 -13 47 31           ~ 1034 1
24 NGC 6618 OpC 18 20 47 -16 10.3           ~ 1618 0
25 NAME Ori Belt reg ~ ~           ~ 78 0

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