
Query : 2011ApJ...736...66R

2011ApJ...736...66R - Astrophys. J., 736, 66 (2011/July-3)

The dark side of QSO formation at high redshifts.


Abstract (from CDS):

Observed high-redshift QSOs, at z ∼ 6, may reside in massive dark matter (DM) halos of more than 1012 M and are thus expected to be surrounded by overdense regions. In a series of 10 constrained simulations, we have tested the environment of such QSOs. The usage of constrained realizations has enabled us to address the issue of cosmic variance and to study the statistical properties of the QSO host halos. Comparing the computed overdensities with respect to the unconstrained simulations of regions empty of QSOs, assuming there is no bias between the DM and baryon distributions, and invoking an observationally constrained duty cycle for Lyman break galaxies, we have obtained the galaxy count number for the QSO environment. We find that a clear discrepancy exists between the computed and observed galaxy counts in the Kim et al. samples. Our simulations predict that on average eight z ∼ 6 galaxies per QSO field should have been observed, while Kim et al. detect on average four galaxies per QSO field compared to an average of three galaxies in a control sample (GOODS fields). While we cannot rule out a small number of statistics for the observed fields to high confidence, the discrepancy suggests that galaxy formation in the QSO neighborhood proceeds differently than in the field. We also find that QSO halos are the most massive of the simulated volume at z ∼ 6 but this is no longer true at z ∼ 3. This implies that QSO halos, even in a case where they are the most massive ones at high redshifts, do not evolve into the most massive galaxy clusters at z = 0.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): dark matter - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: formation - galaxies: halos - galaxies: interactions - galaxies: kinematics and dynamics

Simbad objects: 7

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Number of rows : 7
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 SDSS J083643.85+005453.3 QSO 08 36 43.8598536120 +00 54 53.233681320   26.19 24.17     ~ 155 0
2 SDSS J103027.09+052455.0 QSO 10 30 27.092 +05 24 55.02   26.15 25.44     ~ 270 0
3 SDSS J104845.05+463718.3 QSO 10 48 45.058 +46 37 18.38   25.87 24.76     ~ 130 0
4 SDSS J114816.64+525150.3 QSO 11 48 16.647 +52 51 50.31   25.73 25.04     ~ 459 0
5 SDSS J130608.25+035626.3 QSO 13 06 08.259 +03 56 26.19   25.59 24.81     ~ 162 0
6 SDSS J163033.89+401209.6 QSO 16 30 33.898 +40 12 09.68   26.45 25.01     ~ 86 0
7 CFHQS J232908-030158 QSO 23 29 08.28000 -03 01 58.7996           ~ 76 0

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