SIMBAD references

2012ApJ...752..153H - Astrophys. J., 752, 153 (2012/June-3)

The Swift BAT survey detects two optical broad line, X-ray heavily obscured active galaxies: NVSS 193013+341047 and IRAS 05218-1212.


Abstract (from CDS):

The Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) is discovering interesting new objects while monitoring the sky in the 14-195 keV band. Here we present the X-ray properties and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for two unusual active galactic nucleus sources. Both NVSS 193013+341047 and IRAS 05218-1212 are absorbed, Compton-thin, but heavily obscured (NH∼ 1023/cm2), X-ray sources at redshifts <0.1. The SEDs reveal these galaxies to be very red, with high extinction in the optical and UV. A similar SED is seen for the extremely red objects (EROs) detected in the higher redshift universe. This suggests that these unusual BAT-detected sources are a low-redshift (z {Lt} 1) analog to EROs, which recent evidence suggests are a class of the elusive type II quasars. Studying the multi-wavelength properties of these sources may reveal the properties of their high-redshift counterparts.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: active - galaxies: Seyfert - surveys - X-rays: galaxies

CDS comments: IRAS 02218-1212 is a misrpint for IRAS 05218-1212.

Simbad objects: 11

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