SIMBAD references

2013ApJ...763...62A - Astrophys. J., 763, 62 (2013/January-3)

Origin and growth of nuclear star clusters around massive black holes.


Abstract (from CDS):

The centers of stellar spheroids less luminous than ∼1010 L are often marked by the presence of nucleated central regions, called "nuclear star clusters" (NSCs). The origin of NSCs is still unclear. Here we investigate the possibility that NSCs originate from the migration and merger of stellar clusters at the center of galaxies where a massive black hole (MBH) may sit. We show that the observed scaling relation between NSC masses and the velocity dispersion of their host spheroids cannot be reconciled with a purely "in situ" dissipative formation scenario. On the other hand, the observed relation appears to be in agreement with the predictions of the cluster merger model. A dissipationless formation model also reproduces the observed relation between the size of NSCs and their total luminosity, R ∝sqrt(()LNSC). When an MBH is included at the center of the galaxy, such dependence becomes substantially weaker than the observed correlation, since the size of the NSC is mainly determined by the fixed tidal field of the MBH. We evolve through dynamical friction a population of stellar clusters in a model of a galactic bulge taking into account dynamical dissolution due to two-body relaxation, starting from a power-law cluster initial mass function and adopting an initial total mass in stellar clusters consistent with the present-day cluster formation efficiency of the Milky Way (MW). The most massive clusters reach the center of the galaxy and merge to form a compact nucleus; after 1010 years, the resulting NSC has properties that are consistent with the observed distribution of stars in the MW NSC. When an MBH is included at the center of a galaxy, globular clusters are tidally disrupted during inspiral, resulting in NSCs with lower densities than those of NSCs forming in galaxies with no MBHs. We suggest this as a possible explanation for the lack of NSCs in galaxies containing MBHs more massive than ∼108 M. Finally, we investigate the orbital evolution of globular clusters in giant elliptical galaxies which are believed to always host an MBH at their center rather than an NSC. In these systems an additional mechanism can prevent an NSC from forming: the time for globular clusters to reach the center of the galaxy is much longer than the Hubble time.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: nuclei - Galaxy: center - Galaxy: formation - Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics - Galaxy: nucleus - globular clusters: general

Simbad objects: 9

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