SIMBAD references

2015ApJ...808...31M - Astrophys. J., 808, 31 (2015/July-3)

Determining neutron star properties by fitting oblate-star waveform models to X-ray burst oscillations.


Abstract (from CDS):

We describe sophisticated new Bayesian analysis methods that make it possible to estimate quickly the masses and radii of rapidly rotating, oblate neutron stars by fitting oblate-star waveform models to energy-resolved observations of the waveforms of X-ray burst oscillations produced by such stars. We find that a 25% variation of the temperature of the hot spot in the north-south direction does not significantly bias estimates of the mass M and equatorial radius derived by fitting a model that assumes a uniform-temperature spot. Our results show that fits of oblate-star waveform models to waveform data can simultaneously determine M and with 1σ uncertainties ≲7% if (1) the star's rotation rate is ≳ 600 Hz; (2) the spot center and observer's sightline are both within of the star's rotational equator; and (3) counts are collected during burst oscillations that have a fractional rms amplitude ≳10%. A fractional amplitude of ∼10% is realistic, and the accepted NICER and proposed LOFT and AXTAR space missions could collect counts from a single star by combining data from many X-ray bursts from the star. Uncertainties ≲7% are small enough to improve substantially our understanding of cold, ultradense matter.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): dense matter - equation of state - stars: neutron - X-rays: bursts

Simbad objects: 3

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