
Query : 2016ApJ...825....2T

2016ApJ...825....2T - Astrophys. J., 825, 2-2 (2016/July-1)

Orion's Veil: magnetic field strengths and other properties of a PDR in front of the Trapezium cluster.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present an analysis of physical conditions in the Orion Veil, an atomic photon-dominated region (PDR) that lies just in front (≃2 pc) of the Trapezium stars of Orion. This region offers an unusual opportunity to study the properties of PDRs, including the magnetic field. We have obtained 21 cm H i and 18 cm (1665 and 1667 MHz) OH Zeeman effect data that yield images of the line-of-sight magnetic field strength Blos in atomic and molecular regions of the Veil. We find Blos ≃ -50 to -75 µG in the atomic gas across much of the Veil (25'' resolution) and Blos ≃ -350 µG at one position in the molecular gas (40'' resolution). The Veil has two principal H i velocity components. Magnetic and kinematical data suggest a close connection between these components. They may represent gas on either side of a shock wave preceding a weak-D ionization front. Magnetic fields in the Veil H i components are 3-5 times stronger than they are elsewhere in the interstellar medium where N(H) and n(H) are comparable. The H i components are magnetically subcritical (magnetically dominated), like the cold neutral medium, although they are about 1 dex denser. Comparatively strong fields in the Veil H i components may have resulted from low-turbulence conditions in the diffuse gas that gave rise to OMC-1. Strong fields may also be related to magnetostatic equilibrium that has developed in the Veil since star formation. We also consider the location of the Orion-S molecular core, proposing a location behind the main Orion H+ region.

Abstract Copyright: © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): H ii regions - ISM: individual objects Orion Nebula - ISM: magnetic fields - photon-dominated region , PDR

CDS comments: Table 6: Source B17S (=[BT2001] B-17S) is not in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 24

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Number of rows : 24
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 3C 48 QSO 01 37 41.2996631208 +33 09 35.080388820   16.62 16.20     ~ 2833 2
2 NAME Orion X As* 05 14 -01.           ~ 12 0
3 NAME Orion S reg 05 35 12.9 -05 24 10           ~ 145 0
4 NAME OMC-1 MoC 05 35 14 -05 22.4           ~ 1177 2
5 NAME Orion-KL SFR 05 35 14.16 -05 22 21.5           ~ 2303 1
6 NAME Ori Trapezium OpC 05 35 16.5 -05 23 14           ~ 1632 1
7 M 42 HII 05 35 17 -05 23.4           ~ 4105 0
8 NAME Ori Region reg 05 35 17.30 -05 23 28.0           ~ 582 0
9 M 43 HII 05 35 31 -05 16.2           ~ 189 0
10 HD 37061 Or* 05 35 31.3649044920 -05 16 02.582064192 6.44 7.09 6.83     O9.5V 358 0
11 NAME Ori A MoC 05 38 -07.1           ~ 3028 0
12 ICRF J054236.1+495107 Sy1 05 42 36.13789710 +49 51 07.2337139   18.45 17.80 17.210   ~ 1511 1
13 NGC 6334 HII 17 20 53 -36 07.9           ~ 684 0
14 M 16 OpC 18 18 45.1 -13 47 31           ~ 1034 1
15 NGC 6618 OpC 18 20 47 -16 10.3           ~ 1618 0
16 SH 2-88 B HII 19 46 48.2 +25 12 21           ~ 158 2
17 SH 2-106 HII 20 27 26.8 +37 22 49           ~ 441 1
18 DR 22 HII 20 39 16.67 +41 18 44.7           ~ 49 1
19 vdWG M42 A HI ~ ~           ~ 5 0
20 NAME Orion's Veil HI ~ ~           ~ 57 0
21 NAME Dark Bay in OMC-1 PoC ~ ~           ~ 9 0
22 vdWG M42 B HI ~ ~           ~ 5 0
23 vdWG M43 A HI ~ ~           ~ 3 0
24 vdWG M43 B HI ~ ~           ~ 3 0

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