SIMBAD references

2017A&A...605A.106C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 605A, 106-106 (2017/9-1)

Effects of axions on Population III stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. Following the renewed interest in axions as a dark matter component, we revisit the effects of energy loss by axion emission on the evolution of the first generation of stars. These stars with zero metallicity are assumed to be massive, more compact, and hotter than subsequent generations. It is hence important to extend previous studies, which were restricted to solar metallicity stars.
Methods. Our analysis first compares the evolution of solar metallicity 8, 10, and 12M stars to previous work. We then calculate the evolution of 8 zero-metallicity stars with and without axion losses and with masses ranging from 20 to 150M.
Results. For the solar metallicity models, we confirm the disappearance of the blue-loop phase for a value of the axion-photon coupling of g=10–10GeV–1. We show that for g=10–10GeV–1, the evolution of Population III stars is not much affected by axion losses, except within the range of masses 80-130M. Such stars show significant differences in both their tracks within the Tcc diagram and their central composition (in particular 20Ne and 24Mg). We discuss the origin of these modifications from the stellar physics point of view, and also their potential observational signatures.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO, 2017

Journal keyword(s): elementary particles - stars: evolution - stars: Population III - stars: massive - stars: massive

Simbad objects: 1

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