
Query : 2017ApJ...837..151O

2017ApJ...837..151O - Astrophys. J., 837, 151-151 (2017/March-2)

Which stars are ionizing the Orion Nebula?


Abstract (from CDS):

The common assumption that θ1 Ori C is the dominant ionizing source for the Orion Nebula is critically examined. This assumption underlies much of the existing analysis of the nebula. In this paper we establish through comparison of the relative strengths of emission lines with expectations from Cloudy models and through the direction of the bright edges of proplyds that θ2 Ori A, which lies beyond the Bright Bar, also plays an important role. θ1 Ori C does dominate ionization in the inner part of the Orion Nebula, but outside of the Bright Bar as far as the southeast boundary of the Extended Orion Nebula, θ2 Ori A is the dominant source. In addition to identifying the ionizing star in sample regions, we were able to locate those portions of the nebula in 3D. This analysis illustrates the power of MUSE spectral imaging observations to identify sources of ionization in extended regions.

Abstract Copyright: © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): H II regions - ISM: individual objects: Orion Nebula - stars: individual: (θ1 Ori C, θ2 Ori A) - stars: individual: (θ1 Ori C, θ2 Ori A)

Simbad objects: 10

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Number of rows : 10
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Orion Nebula Cluster OpC 05 35.0 -05 29           ~ 2346 0
2 NAME Orion S reg 05 35 12.9 -05 24 10           ~ 145 0
3 * tet01 Ori A Ae* 05 35 15.8254015008 -05 23 14.334699480 5.87 6.75 6.73 6.42 6.21 B0V 486 1
4 * tet01 Ori C SB* 05 35 16.4662967280 -05 23 22.921811880 4.20 5.15 5.13 4.91 4.73 O7Vp 1413 1
5 NAME Ori Trapezium OpC 05 35 16.5 -05 23 14           ~ 1632 1
6 M 42 HII 05 35 17 -05 23.4           ~ 4105 0
7 HH 203 HH 05 35 22.2 -05 24 58           ~ 73 4
8 NAME Orion Bright Bar reg 05 35 22.30 -05 24 33.0           ~ 889 0
9 HH 204 HH 05 35 22.6 -05 25 13           ~ 81 4
10 * tet02 Ori A SB* 05 35 22.9012398264 -05 24 57.832632108 5.37 6.30 6.39 6.30 6.35 O9.5IVp 549 0

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