SIMBAD references

2018ApJ...867L..14V - Astrophys. J., 867, L14-L14 (2018/November-1)

Rings and gaps in protoplanetary disks: planets or snowlines?


Abstract (from CDS):

High-resolution Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of protoplanetary disks have revealed that many, if not all, primordial disks consist of ring-like dust structures. The origin of these dust rings remains unclear, but a common explanation is the presence of planetary companions that have cleared gaps along their orbit and trapped the dust at the gap edge. A signature of this scenario is a decrease of gas density inside these gaps. In a recent work, Isella et al. derived drops in gas density that are consistent with Saturn-mass planets inside the gaps in the HD 163296 disk through spatially resolved CO isotopologue observations. However, as CO abundance and temperature depends on a large range of factors, the interpretation of CO emission is non-trivial. We use the physical-chemical code DALI to show that the gas temperature increases inside dust density gaps, implying that any gaps in the gas, if present, would have to be much deeper, consistent with planet masses >MJup. Furthermore, we show that a model with increased grain growth at certain radii, as expected at a snowline, can reproduce the dust rings in HD 163296 equally well without the need for companions. This scenario can explain both younger and older disks with observed gaps, as gaps have been seen in systems as young <1 Myr. While the origin of the rings in HD 163296 remains unclear, these modeling results demonstrate that care has to be taken when interpreting CO emission in protoplanetary disk observations.

Abstract Copyright: © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): astrochemistry - ISM: molecules - protoplanetary disks - stars: formation

Simbad objects: 9

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