SIMBAD references

2021ApJ...917...24Z - Astrophys. J., 917, 24-24 (2021/August-2)

Kilonova emission from black hole-neutron star mergers. II. Luminosity function and implications for target-of-opportunity observations of gravitational-wave triggers and blind searches.

ZHU J.-P., WU S., YANG Y.-P., ZHANG B., GAO H., YU Y.-W., LI Z., CAO Z., LIU L.-D., HUANG Y. and ZHANG X.-H.

Abstract (from CDS):

We present detailed simulations of the kilonova and gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow and kilonova luminosity function from black hole-neutron star (BH-NS) mergers, and discuss the detectability of an electromagnetic (EM) counterpart in connection with gravitational wave (GW) detections, GW-triggered target-of-opportunity observations, and time-domain blind searches. The predicted absolute magnitude of BH-NS kilonovae at 0.5 days after the merger falls in the range [-10, -15.5]. The simulated luminosity function contains potential information on the viewing-angle distribution of the anisotropic kilonova emission. We simulate the GW detection rates, detectable distances, and signal duration for future networks of 2nd/2.5th/3rd generation GW detectors. BH-NSs tend to produce brighter kilonovae and afterglows if the BH has a higher aligned spin, and a less massive NS with a stiffer equation of state. The detectability of kilonovae is especially sensitive to the BH spin. If BHs typically have low spins, the BH-NS EM counterparts are hard to discover. For 2nd generation GW detector networks, a limiting magnitude of mlimit ∼ 23-24 mag is required to detect kilonovae even if high BH spin is assumed. Thus, a plausible explanation for the lack of BH-NS-associated kilonova detection during LIGO/Virgo O3 is that either there is no EM counterpart (plunging events) or the current follow-ups are too shallow. These observations still have the chance to detect the on-axis jet afterglow associated with a short GRB or an orphan afterglow. Follow-up observations can detect possible associated short GRB afterglows, from which kilonova signatures may be studied. For time-domain observations, a high-cadence search in redder filters is recommended to detect more BH-NS-associated kilonovae and afterglows.

Abstract Copyright: © 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): Gravitational waves - Neutron stars - Black holes - Gamma-ray bursts

Simbad objects: 3

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