
Query : 2008A&A...477..681B

2008A&A...477..681B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 477, 681-690 (2008/1-2)

Multi-conjugate adaptive optics images of the Trapezium cluster.


Abstract (from CDS):

Multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) combine the advantages of both standard adaptive optics, which provide high contrast and high spatial resolution, and of wide field imaging (≃1'). Up to recently, MCAO for astronomy was limited to laboratory experiments. In this paper, we present the first scientific results obtained with the first MCAO instrument. We present a new study of the Trapezium cluster using deep MCAO images with a field of view of 1'x1' obtained at the VLT. We used deep J, H, and Ks images recently obtained with the prototype MCAO facility MAD at the VLT to search for new members and new multiple systems in the Trapezium cluster. On bright targets (Ks≃9mag), these images allow us to reach ΔKs≃6mag as close as 0.4". We report detection of 128 sources, including 10 new faint objects in the magnitude range between 16.1<Ks<17.9mag. In addition to all previously known multiple systems with separations greater than 0.''1, we confirm the multiplicity of TCC-055. We also report the detection in J, H, and Ks of a very red extended embedded protostellar object, HC 419, previously detected only in the thermal infrared. Analysis of the first MCAO images obtained on the sky demonstrates not only the technical feasibility of MCAO, but also its great potential and versatility in terms of scientific output.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): instrumentation: adaptive optics - techniques: high angular resolution - stars: binaries visual - stars: evolution - stars: formation - stars: general

CDS comments: In Fig.1 TCC 52 is a miprint for TCC 053.

Simbad objects: 26

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Number of rows : 26
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 ISOY J053513.81-052340.1 Y*O 05 35 13.7814 -05 23 39.990           ~ 32 0
2 COUP 640 X 05 35 14.54523 -05 23 15.9753           ~ 16 0
3 ** SMN 3 * 05 35 14.8800 -05 23 05.100           K4 14 0
4 COUP 716 * 05 35 15.5500 -05 22 46.400           ~ 14 0
5 * tet01 Ori E SB* 05 35 15.7721814864 -05 23 09.889316700           G2IV 97 0
6 * tet01 Ori A Ae* 05 35 15.8254015008 -05 23 14.334699480 5.87 6.75 6.73 6.42 6.21 B0V 486 0
7 COUP 767 X 05 35 16.042 -05 23 34.37           ~ 3 0
8 TCC 55 Y*O 05 35 16.0785 -05 22 54.123           M3 24 0
9 * tet01 Ori B EB* 05 35 16.1339860056 -05 23 06.784444248 7.71 8.20 7.96     B1V 369 1
10 COUP J053516.2-052301 X 05 35 16.272 -05 23 01.39           ~ 3 0
11 TCC 65 Y*O 05 35 16.32060 -05 23 22.5317           ~ 39 2
12 * tet01 Ori C SB* 05 35 16.4662967280 -05 23 22.921811880 4.20 5.15 5.13 4.91 4.73 O7Vp 1414 1
13 HH 513 HH 05 35 16.47 -05 22 35.6           ~ 11 0
14 NAME Ori Trapezium OpC 05 35 16.5 -05 23 14           ~ 1636 1
15 M 42 HII 05 35 17 -05 23.4           ~ 4115 0
16 TCC 75 Y*O 05 35 16.82580 -05 23 25.9032           ~ 24 0
17 TCC 77 Y*O 05 35 16.851 -05 23 26.71           ~ 30 0
18 COUP J053516.9-052302 X 05 35 16.997 -05 23 02.87           ~ 3 0
19 NAME tet01 Ori D2 * 05 35 17.16750 -05 23 17.0013           ~ 9 0
20 V* V1510 Ori Or* 05 35 17.5584374544 -05 22 56.774010216   15.991 15.003   12.239 K7+M1 49 0
21 COUP J053517.7-052320 X 05 35 17.755 -05 23 20.11           ~ 5 0
22 Parenago 1912 Y*O 05 35 17.8213980552 -05 23 15.583766100   16.210 15.286   12.706 M0 46 0
23 COUP J053517.8-052321 X 05 35 17.822 -05 23 21.59           ~ 3 0
24 COUP 933 X 05 35 17.91546 -05 23 26.3577           ~ 4 0
25 COUP 934 Ir* 05 35 17.9708911944 -05 23 35.409435864     20.93   14.964 M0e 25 0
26 V* V1348 Ori BY* 05 35 30.4221813120 -05 25 38.674626600 16.682 16.226 15.430   13.126 K8e 57 0

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