
Query : 2012A&A...548A..26D

2012A&A...548A..26D - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 548A, 26-26 (2012/12-1)

CFBDSIR 2149-0403: a 4-7 Jupiter-mass free-floating planet in the young moving group AB Doradus?


Abstract (from CDS):

Using the CFBDSIR wide field survey for brown dwarfs, we identified CFBDSIRJ214947.2-040308.9, a late T dwarf with an atypically red J-KS colour. We obtained an X-Shooter spectra, with signal detectable from 0.8µm to 2.3µm, which confirmed a T7 spectral type with an enhanced Ks-band flux indicative of a potentially low-gravity, young object. The comparison of our near infrared spectrum with atmosphere models for solar metallicity shows that CFBDSIRJ214947.2-040308.9 is probably a 650-750K, logg=3.75-4.0 substellar object. Using evolution models, this translates into a planetary mass object with an age in the 20-200Myr range. An independent Bayesian analysis from proper motion measurements results in a 87% probability that this free-floating planet is a member of the 50-120Myr-old AB Doradus moving group, which strengthens the spectroscopic diagnosis of youth. By combining our atmospheric characterisation with the age and metallicity constraints arising from the probable membership to the AB Doradus moving group, we find that CFBDSIRJ214947.2-040308.9 is probably a 4-7 Jupiter mass, free-floating planet with an effective temperature of ∼700K and a logg of ∼4.0, typical of the late T-type exoplanets that are targeted by direct imaging. We stress that this object could be used as a benchmark for understanding the physics of the similar T-type exoplanets that will be discovered by the upcoming high-contrast imagers.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: atmospheres - planets and satellites: atmospheres - surveys - methods: observational - techniques: spectroscopic - brown dwarfs

Simbad objects: 23

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Number of rows : 23
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME THA As* 00 00 -62.0           ~ 482 0
2 Cl Melotte 22 OpC 03 46 24.2 +24 06 50           ~ 3470 0
3 2MASSI J0415195-093506 BD* 04 15 19.54368 -09 35 06.6732           T8.0 166 0
4 Cl Melotte 25 OpC 04 29 47.3 +16 56 53           ~ 3113 0
5 NAME sig Ori Cluster OpC 05 38 42 -02 36.0           ~ 573 0
6 * bet Pic PM* 05 47 17.0876901 -51 03 59.441135 4.13 4.03 3.86 3.74 3.58 A6V 1938 1
7 NAME Columba Association As* 06 04 19.4 -22 20 40           ~ 291 0
8 CD-35 2722B BD* 06 09 19.2082646634 -35 49 31.062882043           L0-1 61 0
9 NAME AB Dor Moving Group MGr 06 38 53.4 -42 50 04           ~ 484 0
10 NGC 2632 OpC 08 40 13.0 +19 37 16           ~ 1586 0
11 NAME TW Hya Association As* 11 01.9 -34 42           ~ 955 0
12 TWA 27B BD* 12 07 33.50 -39 32 54.4           L3 281 0
13 BD+13 2618C BD* 13 00 42.08415 +12 21 15.0536         23.28 T8.5p 130 0
14 BD+13 2618 Er* 13 00 46.5566863405 +12 22 32.677229903 12.314 11.233 9.750 8.785 7.653 M0V 353 1
15 NAME beta Pic Moving Group MGr 14 30 -42.0           ~ 790 0
16 GJ 570 D BD* 14 57 14.96256 -21 21 47.7504           T8 226 1
17 CFBDS J145829+101343 ** 14 58 29.40072 +10 13 41.7108           T8+Y0 30 0
18 CFBDS J150411+102717 BD* 15 04 11.72688 +10 27 16.9128           T7.0 26 0
19 Wolf 940 B BD* 21 46 38.829 -00 10 38.59           T8+/Y? 57 0
20 CFBDS J214947-040308 BD* 21 49 47.20 -04 03 08.9           T7 28 0
21 HD 218396 El* 23 07 28.7157209544 +21 08 03.310767492   6.21 5.953     F0+VkA5mA5 1159 0
22 NAME Carina Association As* ~ ~           ~ 157 1
23 NAME Argus Association As* ~ ~           ~ 236 0

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