
Query : 2013A&A...550A..41C

2013A&A...550A..41C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 550A, 41-41 (2013/2-1)

Gas fraction and star formation efficiency at z < 1.0.


Abstract (from CDS):

After new observations of 39 galaxies at z∼0.6-1.0 obtained at the IRAM 30-m telescope, we present our full CO line survey covering the redshift range 0.2<z<1. Our aim is to determine the driving factors accounting for the steep decline in the star formation rate during this epoch. We study both the gas fraction, defined as Mgas/(Mgas+Mstar), and the star formation efficiency (SFE) defined by the ratio between far-infrared luminosity and molecular gas mass (LFIR/M(H2)), i.e. a measure for the inverse of the gas depletion time. The sources are selected to be ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), with LFIR greater than 1012L and experiencing starbursts. When we adopt a standard ULIRG CO-to-H2 conversion factor, their molecular gas depletion time is less than 100Myr. Our full survey has now filled the gap of CO observations in the 0.2<z<1 range covering almost half of cosmic history. The detection rate in the 0.6<z<1 interval is 38% (15 galaxies out of 39), compared to 60% for the 0.2<z<0.6 interval. The average CO luminosity is L'CO=1.8x1010K.km/s.pc2, corresponding to an average H2 mass of 1.45x1010M. From observation of 7 galaxies in both CO(2-1) and CO(4-3), a high gas excitation has been derived; together with the dust mass estimation, this supports the choice of our low ULIRG conversion factor between CO luminosity and H2 for our sample sources. We find that both the gas fraction and the SFE significantly increase with redshift, by factors of 3±1 from z=0 to 1, and therefore both quantities play an important role and complement each other in cosmic star formation evolution.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: high-redshift - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: starburst - radio lines: galaxies

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/550/A41): table1.dat table2.dat sp/*>

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Number of rows : 39
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 87GB 004432.0+030343 Sy1 00 47 05.9186531064 +03 19 54.784830324   16.2 16.37     ~ 150 2
2 IRAS F00476-0054 Sy2 00 50 09.8189242248 -00 39 00.632930688   20.81 20.35     ~ 38 0
3 FF J0139+0115 G 01 39 27.18912 +01 15 46.7352           ~ 6 0
4 SDSS J014612.80+005112.4 Sy2 01 46 12.81312 +00 51 12.4524   22.84 21.95     ~ 9 0
5 SDSS J023421.79-013900.0 QSO 02 34 21.792 -01 39 00.03           ~ 10 1
6 FIRST J024555.3+012328 G 02 45 55.355 +01 23 28.40           ~ 6 0
7 FIRST J080431.0+360718 Sy2 08 04 31.01 +36 07 18.1   21.80 21.22     ~ 32 2
8 USNO-A2.0 1350-07355553 Sy1 08 19 29.4813482976 +52 23 45.309922728   19.54 19.37     ~ 17 0
9 [VV2010c] J084846.4+022034 Sy2 08 48 46.35 +02 20 34.2   22.36 21.58     ~ 13 0
10 2MASS J09150172+2418121 Sy1 09 15 01.7199333984 +24 18 12.092683104   20.69 20.38 20.80   ~ 31 0
11 [VV2006] J092527.8+001837 QSO 09 25 27.7890848304 +00 18 37.149101532   20.63 20.28     ~ 10 0
12 FF J0937+3857 G 09 37 41.656 +38 57 52.66           ~ 4 0
13 FIRST J104240.8+323130 G 10 42 40.815 +32 31 30.99           ~ 8 0
14 LB 2126 QSO 11 51 20.4599373144 +54 37 33.049962300   16.03 15.78     ~ 155 0
15 NAME Antennae IG 12 01 53.170 -18 52 37.92           ~ 1698 0
16 2C 1066 SyG 12 56 57.5 +47 20 20   22.0       ~ 282 1
17 3C 289 QSO 13 45 26.699 +49 46 31.39   23       ~ 161 1
18 EGS70 158 G 14 21 37.50 +53 17 17.8       22.1   ~ 3 0
19 EGS70 124 G 14 22 39.10 +53 24 20.3       21.3   ~ 3 0
20 EGS70 114 G 14 23 01.147 +53 24 19.45       20.8   ~ 3 0
21 SDSS J142348.80+533006.2 BiC 14 23 48.8024711616 +53 30 06.222354912       22.0   ~ 4 0
22 EGS70 67 G 14 24 30.10 +53 35 42.9       22.1   ~ 3 0
23 EGS70 58 G 14 25 02.80 +53 31 25.5       22.3   ~ 3 0
24 SDSS J143047.32+602304.3 Sy2 14 30 47.32152 +60 23 04.3692   23.28 21.72     ~ 9 0
25 [BWD2008] 70Bootes7 G 14 31 51.841 +32 43 27.99   22.3   20.5 19.7 ~ 9 0
26 SDSS J143820.76+340234.3 G 14 38 20.766 +34 02 34.32   22.7   20.3 19.3 ~ 10 0
27 NVSS J144642+011304 Sy2 14 46 42.2829 +01 13 03.045   22.49 21.52     ~ 25 0
28 [VV2006] J144956.3+444156 Sy2 14 49 53.6856812352 +44 41 50.286547536           ~ 23 1
29 IRAS F14537+1950 G 14 56 06.022 +19 38 39.45           ~ 12 0
30 2XMM J153244.0+324248 Sy2 15 32 44.0246599800 +32 42 46.679782356     19.8     ~ 107 0
31 IRAS F16001+1652 Sy1 16 02 22.3819693848 +16 43 53.788309392           ~ 7 0
32 ELAISR J160825+543809 PaG 16 08 25.242 +54 38 10.07           ~ 17 2
33 FF J1614+3234 G 16 14 22.1329971936 +32 34 03.718993656           ~ 17 0
34 [VV2010c] J171302.3+593610 QSO 17 13 02.411 +59 36 11.19       21.50   ~ 12 0
35 FLSVLA J171312.0+600839 G 17 13 12.086 +60 08 40.44           ~ 11 0
36 5MUSES 321 QSO 17 22 28.046 +60 15 26.04       19.85   ~ 12 0
37 FF J1725+3709 G 17 25 07.401 +37 09 32.09           ~ 8 0
38 BIG 354 G 17 54 48.60 +67 06 07.7     19.3     ~ 3 0
39 FF J2131-0141 G 21 31 53.513 -01 41 42.97           ~ 6 0

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