
Query : 2013A&A...559A...2G

2013A&A...559A...2G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 559A, 2-2 (2013/11-1)

A large-scale galaxy structure at z=2.02 associated with the radio galaxy MRC 0156-252.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present the spectroscopic confirmation of a structure of galaxies surrounding the radio galaxy MRC 0156-252 at z=2.02. The structure was initially discovered as an overdensity of both near-infrared selected z>1.6 and mid-infrared selected z>1.2 galaxy candidates. We used the VLT/FORS2 multi-object spectrograph to target ∼80 high-redshift galaxy candidates, and obtain robust spectroscopic redshifts for more than half the targets. The majority of the confirmed sources are star-forming galaxies at z>1.5. In addition to the radio galaxy, two of its close-by companions (<6") also show AGN signatures. Ten sources, including the radio galaxy, lie within |z-2.020|<0.015 (i.e., velocity offsets <1500km/s) and within projected 2Mpc comoving of the radio galaxy. Additional evidence suggests not only that the galaxy structure associated with MRC 0156-252 is a forming galaxy cluster but also that this structure is most probably embedded in a larger-scale structure.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: clusters: general - galaxies: clusters: individual: MRC 0156-252 - galaxies: large-scale structure of Universe - individual: MRC 0156-252

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/559/A2): tablea1.dat tablea2.dat>

Nomenclature: NAME MRC 0156-252 Group N=1. Table A.1-2: [GSP2013] NNNN N=10+35.

Simbad objects: 53

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Number of rows : 53
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 [GSP2013] 641 G 01 58 24.280 -25 02 47.07           ~ 1 0
2 [GSP2013] 316 G 01 58 24.300 -25 03 22.26           ~ 1 0
3 [GSP2013] 130 G 01 58 26.310 -25 03 43.08           ~ 1 0
4 [GSP2013] 1240 AGN 01 58 26.410 -25 01 54.71           ~ 1 0
5 [GSP2013] 474 G 01 58 27.030 -25 02 47.32           ~ 1 0
6 [GSP2013] 168 G 01 58 27.190 -25 03 36.90           ~ 1 0
7 [GSP2013] 2024 G 01 58 27.600 -25 00 12.73           ~ 1 0
8 [GSP2013] 451 G 01 58 28.000 -25 03 10.98           ~ 1 0
9 [GSP2013] 2025 G 01 58 29.360 -25 00 11.47           ~ 1 0
10 [GSP2013] 741 G 01 58 29.550 -25 02 39.78           ~ 1 0
11 [GSP2013] 1414 G 01 58 29.690 -25 01 43.90           ~ 1 0
12 [GSP2013] 3812 G 01 58 29.730 -24 58 34.77           ~ 1 0
13 [GSP2013] 2376 G 01 58 29.800 -25 00 44.32           ~ 1 0
14 [GSP2013] 3850 G 01 58 29.800 -24 58 44.71           ~ 1 0
15 [GSP2013] 4030 G 01 58 30.050 -24 59 04.44           ~ 1 0
16 [GSP2013] 1011 G 01 58 30.580 -25 02 13.87           ~ 1 0
17 [GSP2013] 3344 G 01 58 30.590 -24 57 52.92           ~ 1 0
18 [GSP2013] 1794 G 01 58 30.940 -24 59 50.50           ~ 1 0
19 [GSP2013] 2225 G 01 58 31.090 -25 00 30.00           ~ 1 0
20 [GSP2013] 4439 G 01 58 32.090 -24 59 37.91           ~ 1 0
21 [GSP2013] 1901 G 01 58 32.390 -25 00 00.27           ~ 1 0
22 [GSP2013] 2358 G 01 58 32.820 -25 00 42.43           ~ 1 0
23 [GSP2013] 4365 AGN 01 58 33.310 -24 59 34.48           ~ 1 0
24 MRC 0156-252 rG 01 58 33.480 -24 59 32.01   22.7       ~ 57 1
25 [GSP2013] 3622 G 01 58 33.540 -24 58 18.21           ~ 1 0
26 [GSP2013] 3886 G 01 58 33.580 -24 58 53.48           ~ 1 0
27 [GSP2013] 4228 G 01 58 33.660 -24 59 19.82           ~ 1 0
28 [GSP2013] 4351 AGN 01 58 33.680 -24 59 30.56           ~ 1 0
29 [GSP2013] 696 AGN 01 58 34.300 -25 02 46.55           ~ 1 0
30 [GSP2013] 3803 G 01 58 34.990 -24 58 36.83           ~ 1 0
31 [GSP2013] 443 G 01 58 35.020 -25 02 49.86           ~ 1 0
32 [GSP2013] 268 AGN 01 58 35.090 -25 03 17.03           ~ 1 0
33 [GSP2013] 3875 G 01 58 36.130 -24 58 44.60           ~ 1 0
34 [GSP2013] 2250 G 01 58 36.780 -25 00 32.39           ~ 1 0
35 [GSP2013] 3642 G 01 58 38.330 -24 58 17.40           ~ 1 0
36 [GSP2013] 4280 G 01 58 39.540 -24 59 33.21           ~ 1 0
37 [GSP2013] 874 QSO 01 58 40.010 -25 02 27.34           ~ 1 0
38 [GSP2013] 3043 G 01 58 40.180 -25 01 37.14           ~ 1 0
39 [GSP2013] 1019 G 01 58 40.570 -25 02 14.33           ~ 1 0
40 [GSP2013] 662 G 01 58 40.620 -25 02 47.57           ~ 1 0
41 [GSP2013] 3795 G 01 58 41.620 -24 58 38.19           ~ 1 0
42 [GSP2013] 3890 G 01 58 43.1207072496 -24 58 51.424628124           ~ 1 0
43 [GSP2013] 3432 G 01 58 45.440 -24 58 03.60           ~ 1 0
44 [GSP2013] 1663 G 01 58 46.630 -24 57 35.52           ~ 1 0
45 [GSP2013] 4314 G 01 58 48.710 -24 59 26.14           ~ 1 0
46 [TFU2010] SXDF XCL J0218-0512 ClG 02 18 28.5 -05 12 00           ~ 2 0
47 NAME GOODS Southern Field reg 03 32 28.0 -27 48 30           ~ 1373 1
48 NAME MRC 1138-262 Protocluster PCG 11 40 48.4 -26 29 11           ~ 50 0
49 MRC 1138-262 rG 11 40 48.91 -26 29 08.9     22.00     ~ 297 1
50 IDCS J1426.5+3508 ClG 14 26.5 +35 08           ~ 55 0
51 ClG J1449+0856 ClG 14 49.0 +08 56           ~ 58 0
52 HS 1700+6416 QSO 17 01 00.6194059368 +64 12 09.118892376   16.39 16.17     ~ 370 0
53 NVSS J175705+651953 rG 17 57 05.5 +65 19 54           ~ 30 2

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