
Query : 2017A&A...602A..70L

2017A&A...602A..70L - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 602A, 70-70 (2017/6-1)

Distribution of water in the G327.3-0.6 massive star-forming region.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. Following our past study of the distribution of warm gas in the G327.3-0.6 massive star-forming region, we aim here at characterizing the large-scale distribution of water in this active region of massive star formation made of individual objects in different evolutionary phases. We investigate possible variations of the water abundance as a function of evolution.
Methods. We present Herschel/PACS (4'x4') continuum maps at 89 and 179µm encompassing the whole region (HII region and the infrared dark cloud, IRDC) and an APEX/SABOCA (2'x2') map at 350µm of the IRDC. New spectral Herschel/HIFI maps toward the IRDC region covering the low-energy water lines at 987 and 1113GHz (and their H218O counterparts) are also presented and combined with HIFI pointed observations toward the G327 hot core region. We infer the physical properties of the gas through optical depth analysis and radiative transfer modeling of the HIFI lines.
Results. The distribution of the continuum emission at 89 and 179µm follows the thermal continuum emission observed at longer wavelengths, with a peak at the position of the hot core and a secondary peak in the HII region, and an arch-like layer of hot gas west of this HII region. The same morphology is observed in the p-H2O 111-000 line, in absorption toward all submillimeter dust condensations. Optical depths of approximately 80 and 15 are estimated and correspond to column densities of 1015 and 2x1014cm–2, respectively, for the hot core and IRDC position. These values indicate an abundance of water relative to H2 of 3x10–8 toward the hot core, while the abundance of water does not change along the IRDC with values close to some 10–8. Infall (over at least 20'') is detected toward the hot core position with a rate of 1-1.3x10–2M/yr, high enough to overcome the radiation pressure that is due to the stellar luminosity. The source structure of the hot core region appears complex, with a cold outer gas envelope in expansion, situated between the outflow and the observer, extending over 0.32pc. The outflow is seen face-on and rather centered away from the hot core.
Conclusions. The distribution of water along the IRDC is roughly constant with an abundance peak in the more evolved object, that is, in the hot core. These water abundances are in agreement with previous studies in other massive objects and chemical models.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO, 2017

Journal keyword(s): stars: formation - stars: protostars - ISM: molecules - line: profiles - line: profiles

Simbad objects: 12

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Number of rows : 12
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 IRAS 13134-6242 mul 13 16 42.9 -62 58 45           ~ 33 0
2 [MAB2009] SMM6 cor 15 53 00.9 -54 37 40           ~ 3 0
3 [MAB2009] SMM3 cor 15 53 04.0 -54 35 34           ~ 2 0
4 RCW 97 HII 15 53 05.0 -54 35 24           ~ 157 0
5 [MAB2009] SMM1 cor 15 53 08.6 -54 37 09           ~ 2 0
6 [MAB2009] SMM2 cor 15 53 10.1 -54 37 01           ~ 2 0
7 [MAB2009] SMM4 cor 15 53 11.5 -54 36 46           ~ 2 0
8 [MAB2009] SMM8 cor 15 53 12.1 -54 36 31           ~ 2 0
9 [MAB2009] SMM7 cor 15 53 12.8 -54 36 11           ~ 2 0
10 AGAL G030.818-00.056 cor 18 47 47.0 -01 54 28           ~ 168 0
11 DR 21 (OH) cor 20 39 01.01 +42 22 50.2           ~ 414 0
12 DR 21 SFR 20 39 01.6 +42 19 38           O4.5 1068 0

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