
Query : 2020AJ....160...30S

2020AJ....160...30S - Astron. J., 160, 30-30 (2020/July-0)

Pleiades or not? Resolving the status of the lithium-rich M dwarfs HHJ 339 and HHJ 430.


Abstract (from CDS):

Oppenheimer et al. discovered two M5 dwarfs in the Pleiades with nearly primordial lithium. These stars are not low enough in mass to represent the leading edge of the lithium depletion boundary at Pleiades age (∼125 Myr). A possible explanation for the enhanced lithium in these stars is that they are actually not members of the Pleiades but instead are members of a younger moving group seen in projection toward the Pleiades. We have used data from Gaia DR2 to confirm that these two stars, HHJ 339 and HHJ 430, are indeed not members of the Pleiades. Based on their space motions, parallaxes, and positions in a Gaia-based color-magnitude diagram, it is probable that these two stars are about 40 parsecs foreground to the Pleiades and have ages of ∼25 Myr. Kinematically they are best matched to the 32 Ori moving group.

Abstract Copyright: © 2020. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): Moving clusters - Star clusters - Open star clusters

Simbad objects: 28

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Number of rows : 28
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME THA As* 00 00 -62.0           ~ 482 0
2 Cl Blanco 1 OpC 00 03 24.7 -29 57 29           ~ 333 0
3 * alf Per V* 03 24 19.3700924 +49 51 40.245455 2.64 2.27 1.79     F5Ib 841 1
4 * 16 Tau V* 03 44 48.2149362048 +24 17 22.083331452 5.09 5.42 5.46 5.42 5.47 B7IV 254 0
5 * 17 Tau Be* 03 44 52.5370897890 +24 06 48.016260072 3.19 3.59 3.70 3.71 3.80 B6IIIe 401 1
6 * q Tau SB* 03 45 12.4999931614 +24 28 02.185543730 3.73 4.19 4.30 4.30 4.40 B6IV 276 0
7 * 20 Tau PM* 03 45 49.6081548365 +24 22 03.877565838 3.40 3.80 3.87 3.85 3.90 B8III 436 1
8 * 21 Tau PM* 03 45 54.4764507648 +24 33 16.235698248 5.49 5.72 5.76 5.71 5.74 B8V 219 0
9 * 23 Tau Be* 03 46 19.5858871361 +23 56 54.092177220 3.70 4.12 4.18   4.16 B6IV(e) 433 2
10 Cl Melotte 22 OpC 03 46 24.2 +24 06 50           ~ 3470 0
11 * eta Tau Be* 03 47 29.0765529 +24 06 18.488347 2.44 2.78 2.87 2.84 2.88 B7III 538 1
12 V* V348 Tau LM* 03 48 26.5845315120 +23 11 29.802932952   19.098 17.450   14.123 M4.7 41 0
13 * 28 Tau Be* 03 49 11.2165977912 +24 08 12.156712008 4.73 5.01 5.09   5.08 B8Vne 470 0
14 V* V692 Tau Er* 03 56 30.4194620928 +24 17 18.653933976       15.92   M: 30 0
15 NAME 93 Tau Group ** 04 05 58.22400 +20 10 47.1830           ~ 4 0
16 Cl Melotte 25 OpC 04 29 47.3 +16 56 53           ~ 3113 0
17 NAME Taurus Complex SFR 04 41.0 +25 52           ~ 4492 0
18 NAME 32 Ori group OpC 05 27 11 +06 16.0           ~ 70 0
19 M 42 HII 05 35 17 -05 23.4           ~ 4115 0
20 M 36 OpC 05 36 20.2 +34 08 06   6.09 6.0     ~ 188 2
21 NGC 2516 OpC 07 58 06.5 -60 48 00           ~ 723 0
22 NGC 2547 OpC 08 09 52.360 -49 10 35.01           ~ 406 0
23 IC 2391 OpC 08 41 10.1 -52 59 28           ~ 827 0
24 NAME beta Pic Moving Group MGr 14 30 -42.0           ~ 790 0
25 NAME Upper Sco Association As* 16 12 -23.4           ~ 1396 1
26 ATO J245.8522-17.2909 Y*O 16 23 24.5435163792 -17 17 27.143235744           M2.5e 21 0
27 IC 4665 OpC 17 46 13.0 +05 36 54           ~ 378 0
28 NAME ATLAS Stream St* ~ ~           ~ 34 0

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